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Raising Pupil Premium (PP) Students’ Achievement

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1 Raising Pupil Premium (PP) Students’ Achievement
Robert Brooks Lead Practitioner, Science and Pupil Premium @r_brooks1

2 How is friction related to PP students?

3 Barriers to PP Achievement
Lack of facilities at home Parents feel unable to assist with their child’s homework Lack of aspiration or career guidance Low attendance and punctuality PP students fall behind

4 Strategies Know your PP students PP student and parent survey
Mark your PP students’ books last Homework clubs with access to facilities Carefully plan your homework tasks Specific and targeted catch up sessions Systematic approach to PP students’ absence 30 seconds in staff briefing dedicated to key PP students Work collaboratively and have PP department links Measure impact

5 Case Study: Year 10 PP Homework Intervention Project
Issue A significant number of PP students were not completing homework. Desired Outcome All PP students completing all of their homework to a good standard. Intervention 1: Homework Mentoring Each intervention team member mentored several students once a week with persistent failure to do homework issues. Targets were set and recorded on SIMS as 1:1 counselling. Each student given a paper diary to record their homework in. Ongoing communication between the mentor, parents, subject teachers and the student. Impact Analysis Summary Compulsory Period 6 = an average of 40% reduction in failure to complete homework across the whole PP cohort. Intervention 2: Compulsory Period 6 Students supervised and closely monitored within the group and some lunchtime homework mentoring continued alongside this intervention. Students added or removed from the group depending on how many failed to complete their homework or to a good standard.

6 Raising Pupil Premium (PP) Students’ Achievement
Robert Brooks Lead Practitioner, Science and Pupil Premium @r_brooks1

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