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1st Grade Tribe Times October 10-13, 2017

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1 1st Grade Tribe Times October 10-13, 2017
Tues.- Digraph Th Wed.- Digraph -ng, -ing, suffix -ed Thurs.- Digraph ee Fri.- Assessment Pattern: plural ending (-s) and consonant blends pops lips tots spin snap plot Test on Friday! Mrs. Chesshire Mrs. Rhodes Mrs. Fegley Ms. Ellis Mrs. Kelley Mrs. Ibarra Parents: Please be sure that you fill out the reading log daily. Thank you! #WeAreOne 1st Grade Team Weekly Comprehension Story- Beth and the Band Shared Reading:Author’s Purpose Persuade, Inform, Entertain Independent Reading- Choosing a book from reading center and determining the author’s purpose. Writing- Identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Focus on beginning, middle, end of our stories. Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am October 19th- Fall Pictures/Fall Festival 5-7pm 23rd- 2nd 9 weeks begins Red Ribbon Week 24th- Open House/Report Card Pick-up 26th- Hispanic Heritage Program 30-Nov.3- Book Fair 31- 1st Grade Pumpkin Day! WEAR ORANGE! Science: Cont. Investigation force, motion, and energy Vocab: magnet, magnetism, motion, sound energy, speed Social Studies: Studies Weekly: Are We There Yet? Tuesday- Addition facts doubles to 18 Wed.- Assessment Thurs.-Cover design with pattern blocks Fri.- Order numbers to 20 and add 1 to a number.

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