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Materials: Worksheet **Turn in Moth Activity to front tray. Catalyst: What are the components of evolution by natural selection and what do they mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Materials: Worksheet **Turn in Moth Activity to front tray. Catalyst: What are the components of evolution by natural selection and what do they mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials: Worksheet **Turn in Moth Activity to front tray. Catalyst: What are the components of evolution by natural selection and what do they mean?

2 Materials: Worksheet **Turn in Moth Activity and GPA assignment to front tray. Catalyst: What does it mean if organisms have similar DNA? An ostrich has wings but it does not fly. What is this type of structure called? What is embryology? According to relative dating, how do you determine which fossil is older?

3 Elite Eight Trait Check-Up
Respect the Threshold Everyone on time? Silent for First Five? Be Prepared (2 min) Seated Have materials Working on catalyst

4 Class Motto If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.

5 Announcements Research Question are Overdue! Turn them into the tray ASAP GPA Assignment due date extended to Wednesday.

6 Objectives I can define the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution and how they prove evolution occurred. I can distinguish between homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures.

7 Notes 1.16: Evidence of Evolution
Your notes from the book serve as the equivalent of these notes. If you did not take notes from the book, it would benefit you to take notes on your own time from the book or from this PowerPoint. I am going to quickly review evidence before you work on classwork for today.

8 Evidence for Evolution
Adaptations Fossils Anatomy Embryology Biochemistry

9 1. Adaptations An adaptation is a change in an organism that allows them to survive better in their environment.

10 Camouflage

11 Where have you seen examples of camouflage?

12 Mimicry

13 2. Fossils Fossils are preserved remains of long-dead organisms.

14 2. Fossils Camel Evolution Age Organism Skull and teeth Limb bones
Paleocene 65 million years ago Eocene 54 million years ago Oligocene 33 million years ago Miocene 23 million years ago Age Present Organism Skull and teeth Limb bones

15 3. Anatomy Anatomy is study of the way our bodies are put together.
Anatomy is evidence for evolution because it shows how the structures of organisms have changed over time.

16 3. Anatomy Homologous structures have the SAME STRUCTURE and DIFFERENT FUNCTION. Evolved from a common ancestor.

17 3. Anatomy Analogous structures have the same function but evolved from different places.

18 Example of an Analogous Structure:

19 Anatomy Vestigial structures – structures that are the reduced forms of functional structures in other organisms Ex: tailbone in humans Appendix


21 Vestigial Structures

22 4. Embryology An embryo is the earliest form of a baby.
embryos that look alike, suggest that they all evolved from the same place.

23 5. Biochemistry Biochemistry is the study of small molecules such as DNA. The more similar the DNA sequence, the more closely related organisms are.

24 2 ways to date the earth: Relative Dating: lower levels of rock or fossils are older than higher levels Absolute Radioactive Dating: the actual age of a sample by looking at what it is made of.


26 Classwork

27 Fossil Lab Go to

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