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See separate script.

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Presentation on theme: "See separate script."— Presentation transcript:

1 See separate script


3 Santos Joel


5 Modesto Elizabeth

6 Nadopun



9 Svondo


11 Yazem


13 Give drink to the thirsty Welcome the outsider
Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Welcome the outsider Give clothes to those who need them Care for our common home Heal the sick Visit those in prison Bury the dead The Corporal Works of Mercy


15 £10 £33 £20 £46

16 Be with all those who are in need wherever in the world they are.
Loving Lord, Help us to remember how much you love us and that we are called to love all our brothers and sisters in the world. Be with all those who are in need wherever in the world they are. Help us to help them by our actions and prayers. Amen

17 Thank you Photo credits:
Louise Norton, Thom Flint, Natalia Tsoukala/ Caritas Internationalis, Ben White, David Mutua, Gemma Salter, Nana Anto-Awuakye, Tania Dalton

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