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Good Morning! Students walk through the coatroom and put backpacks on hooks. Take folder out of the backpack and put in in the student mailbox. Go to.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! Students walk through the coatroom and put backpacks on hooks. Take folder out of the backpack and put in in the student mailbox. Go to."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Thomas the Apostle Curriculum Night September 18, 2018 KB- Miss Ingraham

2 Good Morning! Students walk through the coatroom and put backpacks on hooks. Take folder out of the backpack and put in in the student mailbox. Go to seats and begin morning work. At the first bell, 8:15, students go and sit in their places on the rug.

3 Morning Prayers Mrs. DiSanto reads prayers over the intercom.
Students stand and say “The Lord’s Prayer”, “The Hail Mary” (in English and in Spanish), and “The Glory Be”. Pledge of Allegiance Take lunch count and attendance.

4 Starting the day… Morning Meeting with KA.
Review sight words, calendar, schedule, weather, number of days in school.

5 Homework: Reading Log Reading Log-complete each night and turn in on Friday. Check “Take-Home Folders” each night.

6 Sight Word Practice Students were given a ring of sight words which were introduced and practiced in class. We will add cards each week. Practice sight words daily: Say, spell, write.

7 The Essential Question
During each subject taught, an essential question is written on the board. The essential question focuses on the goal of each lesson. Each story has a question each week: For example: This week’s story, “How do families cooperate?”

8 Reading and Math Groups
Differentiated instruction for all learners. Work in small flexible reading groups on a variety of language skills. Math groups: reteaching and enrichment of skills. Mrs. Cashman, Mrs. Atkins join for small group instruction.

9 Technology Technology is used in all subject areas. Computers
SMART Board i Pads

10 Catholic Social Teaching
These elements are incorporated into lessons throughout the day. Life and Dignity of the Human Person Call to Family, Community, and Participation Rights and Responsibilities Options for the Poor and Vulnerable The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers Solidarity Care for God’s Creation

11 Specials Monday: Gym Tuesday: Spanish Wednesday: Library Thursday: Art
Friday: Music

12 Classroom Ten Commandments

13 Kindergarten Curriculum
Archdiocese of Hartford: Early Childhood Curriculum Standards

14 Shared reading experience Literature centers
Literacy Development Shared reading experience Literature centers

15 Math Counting Sorting and classifying objects using attributes
Adding and subtracting Shapes Time Daily Math Centers

16 Science Being a Scientist: Asking questions Making predictions
Making observations Explore weather/seasons Plants and animals

17 Social Studies Being an individual and being a member of a family.
Time, continuity, change People, places, environment Location, maps Cooperation, rules, routines and responsibilities.

18 Grading Procedures for Report Cards
M- Meets grade level expectations P- Progress noted towards grade level expectations T- Time and experience required for skill to develop ED- Experiencing difficulty NI- Not introduced at this time

19 Weekly Gospel Promise Liturgy Based Approach Example:
Matthew God’s Will The theme is: I Make Choices Choosing loving actions

20 Curriculum Outline Outline of topics to be taught during the week.
Posted weekly on the classroom website.

21 St. Thomas the Apostle School
Classroom Website Go to the STA website Click on Classroom Websites: KB Four Tabs: About Me-Bio Classroom News-Curriculum Outline, Schedule, Catholic Corner Show And Tell-What we’re doing… Helpful Links-Educational Websites St. Thomas the Apostle School

22 Thank you from KB!

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