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Published byNigel Henderson Modified over 6 years ago
Diweddariad Arloesi Pioneer Update Diwygio cwricwlwm Curriculum Reform
The report: Successful Futures
Yr adroddiad: Dyfodol Llwyddiannus The report: Successful Futures Cyhoeddwyd ym mis Chwefror 2015 8 Pennod Trosolwg Prosesau a Thystiolaeth Dibenion Strwythur Addysgeg Asesu Goblygiadau Casgliadau ac Argymhellion 68 o Argymhellion Published February 2015 8 Chapters Overview Processes and Evidence Purposes Structure Pedagogy Assessment Implications Conclusions and Recommendations 68 Recommendations Between March and December 2014, the Independent Review team, led by Professor Graham Donaldson, engaged with a wide variety of stakeholders throughout Wales. Based on the evidence collected, as well as independent research, Successful Futures was published in February 2015. 68 recommendations were made – and accepted in full by the Minister for Education and Skills on 30 June 2015.
Y prif argymhellion Key recommendations
Pedwar diben Chwe Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad Tri chyfrifoldeb trawsgwricwlaidd Camau Cynnydd ar gyfer dysgwyr 5, 8, 11, 14 ac 16 oed Deilliannau cyflawniad Ystod o ddulliau addysgegol Ailbennu ffocws asesiadau ar ddysgu, gan gynnwys hunanasesu ac asesu gan gyfoedion Sicrhau bod perfformiad systemau a pherfformiad ysgolion yn gydnaws â’r pedwar diben Four purposes Six Areas of Learning and Experience Three cross-curriculum responsibilities Progression Steps at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 (including ‘Routes’) Achievement outcomes A range of pedagogical approaches Refocusing assessment on learning, including learners’ self- and peer-assessment Alignment of system performance and school performance with the four purposes In Successful Futures, Professor Donaldson proposes a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered through six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE), with the expectations for three Cross-curriculum Responsibilities embedded throughout the AoLEs. He recommends that the national curriculum should be organised as a continuum of learning from 3 to 16 with progression signalled through Progression Steps at five points in the learning continuum. Achievement Outcomes should be developed for each Progression Step in each AoLE. A range of pedagogical principles are identified in Successful Futures to ensure that all teaching and learning is directed to achieving the four curriculum purposes. Successful Futures recommends that we refocus assessment on learning, including self and peer-assessment, to ensure progression in relation to the four purposes of the new curriculum. System performance and school performance, as a result, will also be aligned with the four purposes.
Purposes of the curriculum
Dibenion y cwricwlwm Purposes of the curriculum Dibenion y cwricwlwm yng Nghymru yw ceisio sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn datblygu i fod: The purposes of the curriculum in Wales should be that children and young people develop as: Professor Donaldson challenges us to re-think our approach to the curriculum and to focus on the 4 purposes of education so that we build a curriculum that supports our children and young people to be: - • ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives; • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world; and • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. These four purposes will be at the heart of our new national curriculum and will be the starting point for all decisions on the content and experiences developed as part of the curriculum.
Strwythur y cwricwlwm Curriculum structure
Chwe Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad: - Y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol Iechyd a lles Dyniaethau Ieithoedd, llythrennedd a chyfathrebu Mathemateg a rhifedd Gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg Tri chyfrifoldeb trawsgwricwlaidd: - Cymhwysedd digidol Llythrennedd Rhifedd Six Areas of Learning and Experience: - Expressive Arts Health and well-being Humanities Languages, literacy and communication Mathematics and numeracy Science and technology Three cross-curriculum responsibilities: - Digital competence Literacy Numeracy The new curriculum will be broad, balanced, inclusive and challenging. The curriculum will be structured around 6 Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) with three cross curriculum responsibilities. Each AoLE should make distinct and strong contributions to developing the four purposes of the curriculum. Subjects and disciplines should remain important but should be grouped within AoLEs. Each AoLE should include, where appropriate, a Welsh dimension and an international perspective. AoLEs should not be seen as watertight compartments – rather a means of organising the intentions for each child's learning, with decisions and plans for how these translate into day-to-day activities taking place creatively at school level. They are therefore not timetabling devices. Common AoLEs from 3-16 should promote and underpin continuity and progression.
Ysgolion Arloesi Pioneer Schools Y Stori hyd yma… The Story so far…
In July 2015 schools from across Wales applied to become a ‘Pioneer School.’ These schools would become the task force for working in response to the Successful Futures report. Pioneer schools were split into 3 groups. Curriculum Pioneers, Digital Pioneers and New Deal Pioneers now called Professional learning. Yng Ngorffennaf 2015 gwnaeth ysgolion ar draws Cymru geisiadau i ddod yn ‘Ysgol Arloesi’. Byddai’r ysgolion hyn yn dod yn dasglu ar gyfer gweithio i ymateb i’r adroddiad Dyfodol Llwyddiannus. Cafodd yr ysgolion arloesi eu rhannu’n 3 grŵp. Arloeswyr Cwricwlwm, Arloeswyr Digidol ac Arloeswr Fargen Newydd a elwir bellach yn Dysgu Proffesiynol.
Beth yw rôl yr ysgolion Dysgu Proffesiynol?
What is the role of the Professional Learning schools? Prif nod ysgolion Dysgu Proffesiynol fydd datblygu ystod o ddysgu proffesiynol yn canolbwyntio ar addysgeg ac arweinyddiaeth er mwyn sicrhau bod yr holl ymarferwyr yng Nghymru yn meddu ar y sgiliau a’r hyder i gyflwyno’r cwricwlwm newydd yn llwyddiannus. Primary aim of Professional Learning schools will be to develop a range of professional learning focussing on pedagogy and leadership to ensure that all practitioners in Wales have the skills and confidence to successfully deliver the new curriculum.
The Digital Pioneers Yr Arloeswyr Digidol
Mae Arloeswyr Digidol newydd wedi bod yn gweithio i ddatblygu’r Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol. Mae hwn bellach ar gael i ysgolion. Argymhelliad 7 Dylai fframwaith cymhwysedd digidol a ‘Llwybrau ar gyfer Dysgu Cymhwysedd Digidol’ ategol gael eu datblygu a’u cynnwys fel Cyfrifoldeb Trawsgwricwlaidd. The Digital Pioneers have been working to develop the Digital Competencies Framework. This is now available to schools. Recommendation 7 A digital competence framework and an accompanying ‘Routes to Learning Digital Competence’ should be developed and be included as a Cross-curriculum Responsibility.
Yr Arloeswyr Cwricwlwm The Curriculum Pioneers
Ysgolion ar draws y consortia 4 Is-grwpiau: Asesu a Chynnydd Cyfoethogi a Phrofiadau Cyfrifoldebau Trawsgwricwlaidd Y Dimensiwn Cymreig, persbectif rhyngwladol a sgiliau ehangach. School across the consortia 4 Sub groups: Assessment and Progression Enrichment and Experiences Cross Curricular responsibilities The Welsh Dimension, international perspective and wider skills.
Erbyn hyn mae’r holl Ysgolion Arloesi yn gweithio gyda’u gilydd tuag at nod gyffredin o dan y teitl unigol ‘Ysgolion Arloesi’ Now all Pioneer Schools are working together towards common goal under the single title ‘Pioneer Schools’
Felly, Beth Nesaf? So What Next?
Tasg ar gyfer ysgolion Arloesi i edrych yn fanylach ar Egwyddorion cynllun y cwricwlwm a nodir yn Dyfodol Llwyddiannus. Defnyddio’r egwyddorion hyn i werthuso arfer presennol a phrofi cynigion ar gyfer y dyfodol. Task for Pioneer schools to look more closely at the Principles of curriculum design set out in Successful Futures. To use these principles to evaluate current practice and test proposals for the future.
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