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Lunch (1 hour) Cinio (1 awr)

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2 Lunch (1 hour) Cinio (1 awr)
Agenda am/yb 1. Welcome and introductions Croeso a chyflwyniadau 2. Update on Construction sector review and ICT sector review Diweddariad ar yr adolygiad o'r sector Adeiladu a'r adolygiad o'r sector TGCh 3. Tips for Tendering – looking at experiences from the Health and Cyngor ar Dendro – gan ystyried profiadau o broses gomisiynu Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol 4.  Our approach to Awarding Body and VQ monitoring Ein dull gweithredu o ran monitro Cyrff Dyfarnu a Chymwysterau Galwedigaethol 5.  Update on the review of the Designation process Diweddariad ar yr adolygiad o'r broses Ddynodi 6.  Data Project Update Diweddaraf ar y Prosiect Data 7.  Drivers of demand for Welsh medium assessment Ffactorau sy'n ysgogi'r galw am asesu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Lunch (1 hour) Cinio (1 awr)

3 Agenda pm/yp 6. Group 1 Workshop on the future of e-assessment Grŵp 1
6. Group 1  Workshop on the future of e-assessment Grŵp 1 Gweithdy ar ddyfodol e-asesu 7. Group 2 Workshop on strengthening internal quality assurance Grŵp 2 Gweithdy ar atgyfnerthu dulliau sicrhau ansawdd mewnol 8. The Further Education sector in Wales Dyfodol y sector Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru 9.  The Work-Based Learning sector in Wales Y sector Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith yng Nghymru 10. Q & A Panel Panel Holi ac Ateb 11. Closing remarks Sylwadau i gloi

4 Summary of the last year
Crynodeb o’r flwyddyn diwethaf

5 General qualifications activities
Gweithgareddau sy’n ymwneud â chymwysterau cyffredinol

6 Vocational qualifications activities
Gweithgareddau sy’n ymwneud â chymwysterau galwedigaethol

7 Core regulatory activities
Gweithgareddau rheoleiddio craidd

8 Engaging with and supporting the welsh qualifications system
Ymgysylltu â’r system gymwysterau yng nghymru a’i chefnogi

9 Developing our corporate capability and capacity
Datblygu ein gallu corfforaethol

10 Forward look Rhagolwg

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