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Citizen attitudes and orientations and their impact

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1 Citizen attitudes and orientations and their impact
Political Culture Citizen attitudes and orientations and their impact

2 Political Culture Attitudes and orientations toward politics: how a group of people (e.g a social class, an ethnic group, a region, or a nation) think about themselves about others about how they are governed about how they ought to be governed…..

3 Political culture v. ideology
different from an ideology or a religion not a (logically) constrained or integrated belief system, but rather sets of attitudes or orientations distributed among a given population these can be evenly or unevenly distributed, widely or narrowly held a society can have distinct subcultures

4 Common to distinguish among:
Homogeneous v. fragmented political cultures mass v. elite political culture: mass political culture = attitudes and orientations toward politics held by the population as a whole elite political culture = orientations held by those who have (or are likely to hold) power

5 Sources of political culture:
Family Media Friends Schools Economy Affiliations, Memberships Polity Region, Country Global society

6 What shapes political culture?
Different views: Family, school, society through primary political socialization The regime and political system, as a consequence of the ways in which people experience it – secondary political socialization

7 Different views: Political culture Society Experience with
political system Political Culture

8 Some questions and problems:
Difference between political culture and national character? How can we characterize political culture(s) What difference does political culture make? Do you need a democratic political culture in order to sustain democracy? What constitutes a democratic political culture? Is it sufficient for elites to be committed to democracy or must ordinary citizens be so committed as well?

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