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The Two Party System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Two Party System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Two Party System

2 Historical Basis The first two political parties in the US were _________ and __________. Federalist Anti-Federalist

3 Tradition Americans accept a two party system because there has always been one.

4 Electoral System Majority of US elections are single member/ winner take all elections.

5 Two choices- The candidate already in office (incumbent) vs
Two choices- The candidate already in office (incumbent) vs. # 1 challenger “wasted vote” – voters reluctant to “throw vote away” on third party candidates.

6 Election laws are structured to keep minor party candidates out.

7 Ideological Consensus
Relatively homogenous beliefs Parties tend to be moderate to attract the most votes.

8 Multiparty System Typically based on class, religious belief, sectional attachment, political ideology Strength- broader representation Weakness- less government stability Parties must form coalitions to rule.

9 One party system Dictatorship- only one party allowed
Old South after Reconstruction dominated by the Democratic party

10 Party Membership Voluntary Broad based Certain patterns
Race, Gender, Religion *CAUTION* generalizations are risky

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