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 Happy Friday  You have 10 minutes to share geography information

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1  Happy Friday  You have 10 minutes to share geography information
Read at least two other peoples’ summaries and compare what you wrote to what they wrote Between the group decide on the THREE most significant points in each of the readings Be ready to share HW: 1. Finish reading and outlining pp , Read and outline pp for Tuesday

2 Eurasian Empires 500 BCE-500 CE

3 Outline format I. Major Heading A. Sub Heading a. i. ii. 3. B. Sub Heading II. Major Heading

4 Note taking in outline form…
Read pp and take notes in outline form following the example. Each paragraph is a new section Use the topic sentence as your heading Section A. and B. are done for you (copy these into your notes) Complete the rest of the sections and be ready to share your outline Your turn: C. What is an empire?

5 Hook: Just to get you thinking
Should a civilization tolerate or even promote the use of more than one official language? Is government better organized locally or from a central power? Who should build roads, bridges, public buildings and water supplies? How should governments raise money?

6 C. What is an empire? Political systems with coercive power
Larger, more aggressive states Conquer other states Use their resources Usually include multiple peoples and and cultures under a single political system No clear line between empires and small ethnic states Can have common culture without a unified political system (Greek city-states=independent but all GREEK)

7 Summary of previous section:
State that exercises coercive power Aggressive state that conquers, rules, and extracts resources from other states and people Multicultural community

8 Common Challenges Should they seek to impose their dominant culture and values on their varied subjects? Should they rule directly or should they establish local authorities to rule? How could they get wealthy? Taxes? Tribute? Labor?

9 Why are empires historically important?
They were big and influence lots of people. Almost everyone before the 20th century was governed by an empire Their armies and tax collectors were hard to avoid They were very violent and raise questions about whether violence is justified in any way Very impressive civilizations-empire-have collapsed. This makes us stop and think about whether our own civilization could end.

10 On a positive note… Imperial states brought people with different traditions and religions together. This stimulated Exchange of ideas Exchange of cultural practices Introduction of new values Empires often provided peace and prosperity which led to artistic development We can learn from how empires created order

11 Challenges to Stability
Large size of empire and large population Foreigners including nomadic invaders and trade rivals Unstable politics Uneducated leaders Lack of money to fund projects Challenges to moral assumptions Natural disasters Rowdy people in cities and marketplaces Establishing social rules Religious beliefs from a foreign religion

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