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Vocabulary Words World Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature
Week 3

2 Urbane Cinderella felt very urbane at the party in her expensive ball gown.

3 Urbane Definition: adj.—refined in manner or style
Synonym: suave, refined, cultured, sophisticated Antonym: unsophisticated, crude, primitive

4 Cogent Heidi’s cogent anecdote about hypocrisy helped several student’s understanding of The Scarlet Letter.

5 Cogent Definition: adj.—forceful, relevant, to the point
Synonym: logical, coherent, convincing Antonym: unconvincing, ineffective, vain

6 Expunge My teacher promised to expunge the failing grade on my essay, if I submitted a new and improved version.

7 Expunge Definition: v.—to delete or blot out something unwanted
Synonym: erase, delete, wipe out, destroy Antonym: uphold, maintain, sustain

8 Omniscient Most religions have an omniscient deity.

9 Omniscient Definition: adj.—knowing or seeming to know everything
Synonym: all-knowing, all-seeing, wise Antonym: naïve, oblivious, clueless

10 Panacea Aspirin was considered to be a panacea when it was first developed.

11 Panacea Definition: n.—a supposed cure for all diseases or problems
Synonym: cure-all, solution, remedy Antonym: aggravate, worsen, exacerbate

12 Diffident Suzy had a hard time making friends because she is so diffident.

13 Diffident Definition: v.—lacking self-confidence and rather shy, reserved or restrained in behavior Synonym: shy, timid, insecure Antonym: outgoing, extrovert, brash, aggressive

14 Pungent Blue cheese has a pungent aroma and flavor.

15 Pungent Definition: adj.—having a strong smell or a powerfully sharp or bitter taste Synonym: overpowering, strong, Antonym: bland, mild, weak

16 Temerity Despite the lifeguard’s warning, the surfer had the temerity to enter the water in the middle of a tropical storm.

17 Temerity Definition: v.— rashness or boldness
Synonym: nerve, audacity, impudence Antonym: reserve, discretion

18 Truculent The terrorist’s truculent attack on September 1, 2001 shocked the world.

19 Truculent Definition: adj.—fierce and cruel, aggressive and deadly
Synonym: defiant, hostile, surly, quarrelsome Antonym: polite, courteous

20 Unfeigned Mothers express an unfeigned love for their children.

21 Unfeigned Definition: v.—genuine, honest, not hypocritical, without pretense Synonym: sincere, real, authentic Antonym: corrupt, false, unfair

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