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Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo CONTEXT.

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Presentation on theme: "Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo CONTEXT."— Presentation transcript:

1 nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo CONTEXT


3 Wǒ jiào 我叫 ………….。

4 Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ jiào 你好!我叫 …………。 Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ jiào 你好!我叫 ………….。
你好!我叫 …………。 Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ jiào 你好!我叫 ………….。 Bellringer: Say “hello” in Chinese Objective: 1. Know each other’s names (Chinese greetings, I greet students, students greet each other, 2 minutes knowing 3 persons ) 2. Understand Classroom Procedures and Policies 2. Have an overview of China and Chinese culture by watching the video “This is China” Homework: sign the Classroom Procedures and Policies and bring it back to me next day; also, bring back to me a message slip from your parent(s)/guardian(s) At the door saying ni hao.

5 Chinese 101 Syllabus Instructor Objectives & Outcomes
Texts & Materials Class Requirements Grading Schedule

6 Course ID CRSKL1S

7 你是谁? Nǐ Shì Shéi?

8 Websites You Often Use Chinese Pinyin Input Set-up: MyChineseLab: Class Website: TalonNet: Chinese Writing Practice Online:

9 中国 zhōngguó CHINA
What do you think of China; karati kid movie selection, Chinese cultural video, differences; we have linguistic and culture activities both. You just need to be fully immersed in this Chinese learning environment and actively particiapting all activities. You will find yoursefl in the process of natural and effiecent Chinese improvement day by day. It is a journey, not hard journey if you are determined, deveoted to the study. Chinese Class Activities (video)

10 HOMEWORK Register on MyChineseLab with the access code and the course ID (CRSKL1S ) Print out and bring to class Lesson 1 Chinese Character Book (downloadable from the folder Additional Practice on MyChineseLab)

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