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Start with Upfront Article & Questions

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Presentation on theme: "Start with Upfront Article & Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Start with Upfront Article & Questions

2 EPA Environmental Protection Agency Reasons needed:
kdVa4Ho_paQ Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Earth Day (April 22, 1970) Reasons needed: Oil spills Pollution River Fires Nuclear Radiation Disasters

3 NOW National Organization for Women Founded by Betty Friedan Wanted:
Equal pay for women Government assisted child care Parental leave (after a baby is born for both parents) Easier access to birth control (pill invented in 1960) Safe access to abortion (Roe v. Wade1973)

4 Nixon Administration Background: Republican VP for Eisenhower
Lost to JFK in (televised debates) Won in 1968 due to death of RFK

5 As you listen to President Nixon speak, summarize what he is talking about doing and why.

6 Nixon travels to China High point of Nixon’s presidency – Eases Cold War tensions by recognizing Communist Chinese government, allowing for US-Chinese trade, and supporting tourism

7 War Powers Act Intended to check the president’s power to commit the US to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress (more than 60 day conflict, Congress must approve funds) Why? Kent State Protests bombing of Cambodia Pentagon Papers v=nrXlY6gzTTM

8 Watergate Scandal Nixon accused of ordering a break-in at the Watergate hotel to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee (to rig election) Tried to COVER IT UP! Washington Post reveal the scandal & traced it back to Nixon Nixon resigns because of the scandal Many citizens to lose faith in the government Pardoned by Ford

9 https://www. youtube. com/watch
G7ObzO7s start at 10:30 min …. Quick review of Watergate via John Greene


11 Netflix: The Seventies S1: E2 The United States vs
Netflix: The Seventies S1: E2 The United States vs. Richard Nixon (41mins) The Century FH0FA

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