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Immigration has been an issue throughout Canada’s history

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1 Immigration has been an issue throughout Canada’s history
The immigration issue Immigration has been an issue throughout Canada’s history Can we right the wrongs of past generations? Should modern day governments be held accountable to past injustices? Are apologies enough?

2 1 minute: On your own, or with a partner, come up with as many questions as you can about this photograph.

3 The Komagata Maru Incident
In 1914, immigrants from India arrived in Vancouver on a Japanese ship called the Komagata Maru. At this time, Canada’s government allowed people from India to enter Canada only if they sailed directly to Canada without stopping anywhere. no shipping line could offer this service

4 Canadian officials did not let the passengers of the Komagata Maru off the ship for over two months.

5 Aftermath + Significance
KM was denied docking by the authorities only 20 returning residents, and the ship's doctor and his family were eventually granted admission to Canada Not just an isolated event Reflects deliberate and exclusionary policies of the Can. Gov. to keep out ethnicities whom it deemed unfit to enter

6 Canada Apologizes

7 Chinese Immigration in Canada

8 When did Chinese Immigrants first come to Canada?
In the early 1850's the First Chinese arrived in North America amongst the many other prospectors searching for gold in California and BC

9 Canadian Pacific Rail way
In 1881 there was a shortage of workers for the CPR so they hired Chinese labourers Canadian Pacific Rail way

10 Between , 17,000 Chinese came to work on the railway earning $1.00 per day, providing their own food and lodging 600 Chinese workers died during the railway construction

11 The Chinese also faced many social discriminations as they were segregated from the white, English speaking immigrants in BC The Asiatic Exclusion League was formed in 1907 and the Knights of Labour were two groups that openly discriminated against and harassed Asians living in BC

12 In 1885 once the railway was completed a head tax of $50
In 1885 once the railway was completed a head tax of $50.00 was imposed on Chinese immigrants by the federal government to stop them from coming to Canada

13 What was the head tax? In 1901, responding to public pressure about a continuing influx of Chinese, Ottawa doubled the head tax to $100. The head tax was then increased to $500 in 1903, which was approximately the same as two years wages.

14 From 1886 to 1923, the Canadian government collected more than $22 million in head tax payments.

15 What was the Exclusion Act?
In 1923 The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed banning any immigration from China It is estimated that between 1923 and 1946 when the law was finally repealed, only 15 Chinese immigrants were accepted into Canada. The day the Canadian Chinese Exclusion Act came into effect, is known as "humiliation day.

16 In 1947 the government revokes the Chinese Exclusion Act and give Chinese the right to vote

17 Harper’s Apology, 2006 MlU&list=PLeVapqGK6BL0E9XDF9Vkcuj- Sv7yA3fL9

18 Reading Page 10 and 11 Question 2 and 3

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