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One dream What’s your dream?.

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Presentation on theme: "One dream What’s your dream?."— Presentation transcript:

1 one dream What’s your dream?

2 —bringing everyone closer together
The UN —bringing everyone closer together



5 Have you ever thought about doing something for these children to help them realize their dreams?

6 Cong Fei

7 Go to university with a younger sister!
Hong zhanhui Go to university with a younger sister!

8 350, BAI Fangli

9 Helping people around the world
There are still some problems that can’t be settled by individuals.

10 war

11 famine

12 poverty

13 Who can help those in need? outstanding people common people
governmental organizations national organizations organizations non-governmental organizations international organizations

14 Helping people around the world

15 How much do you know UN EMBLEM AND FLAG

16 The official emblem of the United Nations in white, centered on a light blue ground.
The UN peace-keepers The UN headquarters (New York) Symbolism: Olive branches symbolize peace. The world map depicts the area of concern to the United Nations in achieving its main purpose, peace and security.

17 Ban Ki-moon Kofi Annan Secretary-General of the UN

18 Fast reading

19 Skimming 1. Who is Tang Ning?
A businesswoman and a Goodwill Ambassador 2. How many countries belong to the UN? 191 countries 3. Which countries has Tang Ning visited? Countries in Africa

20 F F T F T T 1. Soldiers representing the UN wear green berets.
Detailed reading & judge the following T or F 1. Soldiers representing the UN wear green berets. F 2. The UN was set up in 1945 by 57 countries. F 3. The UN has a charter with four main purposes. T 4. Tang Ning gets paid for her work as a UN Goodwill Ambassador. F T 5. UNIFEM is a group that helps women. T 6. The UN has a website.

21 Skimming Read the text quickly and divide the text into three parts.
(1-3) Part 1 Para______ Brief introduction of the UN Part 2 (4-5) Para______ What Tang Ning has done as a UN Goodwill Ambassador Part 3 (6) Para______ The problems the UN helps solve and its goals to achieve by 2015

22 Speech Contest 10.24 4 2000 1945 51 8 2015 192

23 Detailed reading

24 Aims of learning this passage:
What is the UN? What are its main four purposes? What detailed work does it deal with? What is a goodwill ambassador of the UN? What’s the final goal of the UN?

25 Scanning 1. What is the UN? An international group made up of countries that want to increase peace. 2. How does Tang Ning feel about being a Goodwill Ambassador? Honored and happy 3. Where do the UN soldiers come from? They come from different countries that belong to the UN. 4. Which countries does Tang Ning visit? She mainly visits countries where the UN has programmes to help people.

26 5. What do the group of women in South Africa make? And why?
Baskets. They sell them at the market. 6. Apart from wars and conflicts, what other problems does the UN help with? Lack of education, lack of money, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease. 7. What are two of the UN’s development goals that they want to meet by 2015? Access to fresh drinking water for everyone and primary education for all children.

27 The United Nations After the Second World War in October 1945
When was it set up Countries in the UN Problems it deals with Its four main purposes Goals it promises to achieve by 2015 After the Second World War in October 1945 Originally 51 countries Recently 191countries

28 Summary The United Nations Time October,1945 number 191 Tasks
Purposes Goals (2015) October,1945 ( originally) 51; (recently) ____ 191 conflicts to help end _________; to assist ________ of wars & disasters; to protect ____________; to improve _______________; to help with problems of _______________… victims human rights international laws poverty, disease peace to keep international ______ ; to develop friendly ___________ among nations; to cooperate in solving international ________ & in promoting respect for________________; to be a _______ for organizing the actions of countries. relationships problems human rights centre 8 ____ in all, including: ___________________ available to everyone; ___________________ of all children. fresh drinking water primary education

29 Discussion Let’s coexist harmoniously and peacefully! Let’s create a world full of love! 1. What effects does the UN have on the world situation? 2. In your opinion, what are the qualities needed for a Goodwill Ambassador?

30 Discussion What qualities should a Goodwill Ambassador have?

31 famous good-looking rich honest young
a Goodwill Ambassador honest young

32 Discussion Presentation Group work
As common people, what can we do to help those in need?

33 Dear Editor, I am a senior two student in Jinsha. Yesterday we had a heated discussion about what we common people could do to help the people in need. We all think that we can do different things to help them. First,__________________________________________________________________________________________ Second, _________________________________________ ________________________________________________. Third,_______________________________________________________________________. Yours sincerely, ___________

34 The whole world is a large family
The whole world is a large family. We should make every effort to help the people in trouble, no matter who they are.

35 Your love, their happiness!

36 Find out the following phrases
1 have this chance to do sth. 2 refer to 3 operate programmes to help people 4 be chosen to 5 feel honoured to do sth. 6 take on this role

37 7 belong to 8 be based on 9 keep international peace 10 develop friendly relationships among nations 11 co-operate in solving intenational problems

38 12 promote respect for human rights
13 organize the actions or work of different nations 14 touch the lives of people everywhere 15 be involved in peacekeeping operations end the world’s most horrible conflicts protect human rights

39 18 work to improve international laws
19 those ( laws ) on child labour 20 follow and record my visits 21 be fortunate enough to do sth. 22 add … to …. 23 a sum of money 24 buy weaving materials to make baskets .

40 25 at a UN meeting 26 try and meet eight development goals 27 be available to sb. 28 complete primary education 29 look …up on the UN website 30 bring … closer together .

41 Homework 1. Read the conversation in Part A on page 128 in Workbook and you’ll know more about the UNESCO. 2. Read the passage on page 129 in Workbook, a lecture given by a professor. Try to understand the speaker’s attitude towards wars. 3. A1 and A2 on P123.

42 Thank you!

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