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Project Studying Synechococcus elongatus for biophotovoltaics.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Studying Synechococcus elongatus for biophotovoltaics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Studying Synechococcus elongatus for biophotovoltaics

2 How to bioengineer a novel bio-photovoltaic system?
Obtain a sequence by PCR, then clone it into a suitable plasmid We’re adding DNA, but want Synechococcus to make a protein!

3 Finding Orthologs Go to Enter name of gene in search window Select “nucleotide” Select name of a promising sequence Select “run BLAST”: optimize for somewhat similar sequences (blastn) Pick out interesting orthologs

4 Go to Select “structure”
Finding Orthologs Go to Select “structure” Enter name of protein in search window Select name of a promising sequence Select “protein” Select “run BLAST” Pick out interesting orthologs Slr1962 protein TRAP dicarboxylate transporter

5 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do: no introns

6 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA

7 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA: DNA & 1˚ RNA contain introns

8 Regulating gene expression
Goal is controlling Proteins How many? Where? How active? 8 levels (two not shown are mRNA localization & prot degradation)

9 mRNA PROCESSING Primary transcript is hnRNA undergoes 3 processing reactions before export to cytosol All three are coordinated with transcription & affect gene expression: enzymes piggy-back on POLII

10 mRNA PROCESSING Primary transcript is hnRNA undergoes 3 processing reactions before export to cytosol 1) Capping addition of 7-methyl G to 5’ end

11 mRNA PROCESSING Primary transcript is hnRNA undergoes 3 processing reactions before export to cytosol 1) Capping addition of 7-methyl G to 5’ end identifies it as mRNA: needed for export & translation

12 mRNA PROCESSING Primary transcript is hnRNA undergoes 3 processing reactions before export to cytosol 1) Capping addition of 7-methyl G to 5’ end identifies it as mRNA: needed for export & translation Catalyzed by CEC attached to POLII

13 mRNA PROCESSING 1) Capping 2) Splicing: removal of introns Evidence: electron microscopy sequence alignment

14 Splicing: the spliceosome cycle
1) U1 snRNP (RNA/protein complex) binds 5’ splice site

15 Splicing:The spliceosome cycle
1) U1 snRNP binds 5’ splice site 2) U2 snRNP binds “branchpoint” -> displaces A at branchpoint

16 Splicing:The spliceosome cycle
1) U1 snRNP binds 5’ splice site 2) U2 snRNP binds “branchpoint” -> displaces A at branchpoint 3) U4/U5/U6 complex binds intron displace U1 spliceosome has now assembled

17 Splicing: RNA is cut at 5’ splice site cut end is trans-esterified to branchpoint A

18 Splicing: 5) RNA is cut at 3’ splice site
6) 5’ end of exon 2 is ligated to 3’ end of exon 1 7) everything disassembles -> “lariat intron” is degraded

19 Splicing:The spliceosome cycle

20 Splicing: Some RNAs can self-splice! role of snRNPs is to increase rate! Why splice?

21 Splicing: Why splice? 1) Generate diversity exons often encode protein domains

22 Splicing: Why splice? 1) Generate diversity exons often encode protein domains Introns = larger target for insertions, recombination

23 Why splice? 1) Generate diversity >94% of human genes show alternate splicing

24 Why splice? 1) Generate diversity >94% of human genes show alternate splicing same gene encodes different protein in different tissues

25 Why splice? 1) Generate diversity >94% of human genes show alternate splicing same gene encodes different protein in different tissues Stressed plants use AS to make variant stress-response proteins

26 Why splice? 1) Generate diversity >94% of human genes show alternate splicing same gene encodes different protein in different tissues Stressed plants use AS to make variant Stress-response proteins Splice-regulator proteins control AS: regulated by cell-specific expression and phosphorylation

27 Splicing: Why splice? 1) Generate diversity 2) Modulate gene expression introns affect amount of mRNA produced

28 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Two types: C->U and A->I

29 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Two types: C->U and A->I Plant mito and cp use C -> U >300 different editing events have been detected in plant mitochondria: some create start & stop codons

30 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Two types: C->U and A->I Plant mito and cp use C -> U >300 different editing events have been detected in plant mitochondria: some create start & stop codons: way to prevent nucleus from stealing genes!

31 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Human intestines edit APOB mRNA C -> U to create a stop aa 2153 (APOB48) cf full-length APOB100 APOB48 lacks the CTD LDL receptor binding site

32 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Human intestines edit APOB mRNA C -> U to create a stop aa 2153 (APOB48) cf full-length APOB100 APOB48 lacks the CTD LDL receptor binding site Liver makes APOB100 -> correlates with heart disease

33 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Two types: C->U and A->I Adenosine de-aminases (ADA) are ubiquitously expressed in mammals act on dsRNA & convert A to I (read as G)

34 mRNA Processing: RNA editing
Two types: C->U and A->I Adenosine de-aminases (ADA) are ubiquitously expressed in mammals act on dsRNA & convert A to I (read as G) misregulation of A-to-I RNA editing has been implicated in epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & depression

35 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
Addition of As to end of mRNA Why bother? helps identify as mRNA required for translation way to measure age of mRNA ->mRNA s with < 200 As have short half-life

36 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
Addition of As to end of mRNA Why bother? helps identify as mRNA required for translation way to measure age of mRNA ->mRNA s with < 200 As have short half-life >50% of human mRNAs have alternative polyA sites!

37 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
>50% of human mRNAs have alternative polyA sites!

38 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
>50% of human mRNAs have alternative polyA sites! result : different mRNA, can result in altered export, stability or different proteins

39 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
>50% of human mRNAs have alternative polyA sites! result : different mRNA, can result in altered export, stability or different proteins some thalassemias are due to mis-poly A

40 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
some thalassemias are due to mis-poly A Influenza shuts down nuclear genes by preventing poly-Adenylation (viral protein binds CPSF)

41 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
1) CPSF (Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor) binds AAUAAA in hnRNA

42 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
1) CPSF binds AAUAAA in hnRNA 2) CStF (Cleavage Stimulatory Factor) binds G/U rich sequence 50 bases downstream CFI, CFII bind in between

43 Polyadenylation 1) CPSF binds AAUAAA in hnRNA 2) CStF binds; CFI, CFII bind in between 3) PAP (PolyA polymerase) binds & cleaves b 3’ to AAUAAA

44 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
3) PAP (PolyA polymerase) binds & cleaves b 3’ to AAUAAA 4) PAP adds As slowly, CFI, CFII and CPSF fall off

45 mRNA Processing: Polyadenylation
4) PAP adds As slowly, CFI, CFII and CPSF fall off PABII binds, add As rapidly until 250

46 Coordination of mRNA processing
Splicing and polyadenylation factors bind CTD of RNA Pol II-> mechanism to coordinate the three processes Capping, Splicing and Polyadenylation all start before transcription is done!

47 Export from Nucleus Occurs through nuclear pores anything > 40 kDa needs exportin protein bound to 5’ cap

48 Export from Nucleus In cytoplasm nuclear proteins fall off, new proteins bind eIF4E/eIF-4F bind cap also new proteins bind polyA tail mRNA is ready to be translated!

49 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA 2) Identify coding sequence: Most sites identify Start and Stop codons We need 5’ and 3’ UTR!

50 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA 2) Identify coding sequence: Most sites identify Start and Stop codons We need 5’ and 3’ UTR! At Genbank or others can often obtain additional flanking sequence, eg, by clicking “CDS”

51 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA 2) Identify coding sequence: Most sites identify Start and Stop codons We need 5’ and 3’ UTR! At Genbank or others can often obtain additional flanking sequence, eg, by clicking “CDS” Or, get gene name and check at TAIR, MPSS or GRAMENE



54 Cloning Orthologs Identify sequence from an organism that we can obtain For eubacteria DNA will do For plants, animals, fungi or archaebacteria need mRNA 2) Identify coding sequence: Most sites identify Start and Stop codons We need 5’ and 3’ UTR! At Genbank or others can often obtain additional flanking sequence, eg, by clicking “CDS” Or, get gene name and check at TAIR, MPSS or GRAMENE If not, will need to obtain it based on position

55 Cloning Orthologs 2) Identify coding sequence: Most sites identify Start and Stop codons We need 5’ and 3’ UTR! At Genbank or others can often obtain additional flanking sequence, eg, by clicking “CDS” Or, get gene name and check at TAIR, MPSS or GRAMENE If not, will need to obtain it based on position 3) Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source!

56 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Get Primer 3 (or other program) to design primers that bind upstream of start and downstream of stop

57 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Get Primer 3 (or other program) to design primers that bind upstream of start and downstream of stop: exclude the CDS

58 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Design nested primers that start at ATG and end at stop codon and add CACC at 5’ end

59 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Design nested primers that start at ATG and end at stop codon and add CACC at 5’ end Probably will need to do this manually! Will break all the rules for primer design

60 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Design nested primers that start at ATG and end at stop codon and add CACC at 5’ end Probably will need to do this manually! Will break all the rules for primer design May get away with it if only use them on amplicon

61 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Design nested primers that start at ATG and end at stop codon and add CACC at 5’ end Probably will need to do this manually! Will break all the rules for primer design May get away with it if only use them on Amplicon Limited templates to bind

62 Cloning Orthologs Design primers to obtain entire CDS + minimal flanking sequence from suitable source! Design nested primers that start at ATG and end at stop codon and add CACC at 5’ end Probably will need to do this manually! Will break all the rules for primer design May get away with it if only use them on Amplicon Limited templates to bind 4) Do the two PCR rxns: if rxn 2 gives band of expected size clone it into pSyn_1/D-TOP

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