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Hubble Middle School Physical Education 2016-17.

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Presentation on theme: "Hubble Middle School Physical Education 2016-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hubble Middle School Physical Education

2 Physical Education Teachers
Mrs. Deidre Oregon Mr. Chris Northrop Mr. Wojdyla Mrs. Miller (Health) Feel free us or call us anytime with questions or concerns.

3 Responsibility Uniforms Lock
Advocate for themselves - seek help right away Behavior “HUSKIES” PE Warning Book

4 Uniforms District Issued Uniform - Shirt and shorts
Action Screen and Embroidery website - Names on both Loaner program will be implemented Collateral needed for loaner Parents and Administrators involved for chronic offenders

5 Locks Your responsibility No Sharing locks/lockers Lost locks
you lose it, you buy a new one from main office no store bought locks No Sharing locks/lockers you need your own Lost locks advocate for yourself

6 Procedures Roll call spots line up against your class wall
Behind the arrow when departing locker room Locker Room will be locked down during class

7 Phones

8 PE Excused Participation
Doctors note - no questions Parent/Nurse note - good for ONE DAY May be required to make up missing activity Huskie, Pacer, Fitness Center, etc. One week to make those up or it becomes a zero


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