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How did the US Become a World Power? the little stuff

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Presentation on theme: "How did the US Become a World Power? the little stuff"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the US Become a World Power? the little stuff

2 How did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?
Expansion of the Frontier

3 How did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?
Japan 1853 Commodore Perry Business Meiji Restoration Gentlemen’s Agreement Lodge Corollary

4 How did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?
Alaska 1867 Seward’s Folly Business Hawaii 1849 & 1898 Missionaries Racism Queen Liliuokalani Sanford B. Dole

5 How did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?
China 1882 & 1900 Chinese Exclusion Act Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion Racism Business

6 How did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?
Panama 1904 Business

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