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Transition/Employment Services Designee Information

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Presentation on theme: "Transition/Employment Services Designee Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition/Employment Services Designee Information

2 TEC §29.0112 (e)(1) which states:
Before beginning this process, ensure that your LEA has posted the Transition Employment Guide to the LEA’s website in compliance with TEC § (e)(1) which states: A school district shall post the transition employment guide on the district’s website if the district maintains a website.

3 Open your Legal Framework SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR account
Start at Participants should have their Legal Framework School Administrator account set up prior to training. School Administrator accounts are only for the individual within an LEA who is designated by that LEA to manage information uploaded into the LF; it is limited to one person (the SpEd Director) per district, co-op, or charter holder.

4 Click the Administrator link to log in to your account.

5 Enter your appropriate email and password information then click Login.

6 Check to make sure you are working under the correct District Number and Agency Type, then click Continue. If you manage information for more than one LEA, you can select the appropriate LEA from the list by clicking on the drop down arrow by the District Number box.

7 Click on the Transition/Employment Designee Information tab.

8 Highlight provided for training purposes only.
Fill in all the required information See following slides for additional details about the URL Address.

9 The objective is to create a link in the Legal Framework to your LEA’s specific webpage on which the Guide is posted. Creating a link in this way allows users to navigate to your LEA’s website to find the Guide and allows the TEA to verify that the LEA has complied with the requirements of TEC § (e)(1).

10 Open a new tab here. Open a new tab.

11 On the new tab search to find your LEA’s website.
Example On the new tab search to find your LEA’s website.

12 Example On your LEA’s website, locate the specific webpage on which the Guide is posted.

13 Example Copy the URL of the LEA’s specific webpage on which the Guide is posted.

14 Click back over to the Transition/Employment tab.
Example Click back over to the Transition/Employment tab.

15 Paste the URL into the URL Address box and click Save.

16 Look for the system verification message.

17 Checking Your Work

18 Click on the Framework Display Portal.

19 Click on the Transition/Employment Services Designee List.

20 Use search options to locate your LEA.

21 Example Click on the first icon to display the TED contact information.

22 Example Verify that the information in the popup window is correct then close the popup window.

23 Example Click on the second icon to display the posting of the Transition Employment Guide.

24 Example Verify that the popup window opens to your LEA’s specific webpage where the Guide is posted.

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