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How to tackle the 8 mark usefulness of sources questions

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1 How to tackle the 8 mark usefulness of sources questions

2 Learning objective – to be able to improve responses to a 8 mark usefulness of sources.
I can describe key factors. Grade 3 I can explain the significance of key factors. Grade 6 I can explain and assess the degree of significance of key factors. Grade 9

3 Study Sources A and B. How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into the different phases of attack on London during the Second World War? Explain your answers using Sources A and B and your knowledge of the historical context. [8 marks] Read the model answer for this question and highlight in different colours the main points in the paragraph and the evidence to support these points in different colours.

4 Key points to consider Make sure you focus on the demands of the question. Annotate the sources as you read them. Highlight key messages and supporting evidence in the sources. Read the caption carefully and apply the nature, origin and purpose questions to it. Remember your answer needs five paragraphs – a short introduction and a conclusion that directly answers the question as well as a paragraph on each of the following themes – Content, Provenance and Own Knowledge. You should consider both how useful the source is to tell us about the enquiry as well as its limitations.

5 What do I need to write about in each paragraph?
Content Read the content carefully and judge how useful it is to the enquiry in the question. Look for key messages and highlight what the content can tell us about the enquiry. Provenance Carefully examine the content for the following …. Nature – what type of source it is and does this affect its usefulness. Origin – when was the source produced and who produced it? Purpose – why was the source produce and who is its intended audience? Can this affect its reliability? Own knowledge You must evaluate the source using your own knowledge. You must use your own knowledge to evaluate …. How comprehensive the source is. How accurate the source is. How typical the source is.

6 How was the government able to defeat the Northern Rebellion?
Why did it fail? Earls were poor leaders Unclear aims – replace Elizabeth or just free Mary? Limited support Effective government reaction

7 What was the significance of the Northern Rebellion?
It was the first and most serious rebellious act by English Catholics. The lack of domestic support for the rebels as well as the eventual size of the Royal army demonstrated the popularity of Elizabeth. It led to harsher treatment of English Catholics, such as \the Earl of Huntingdon’s measures in surpressing Catholicism in the north. The revolt encouraged Pope Pius VI to excommunicate Elizabeth. His papal Bull not only excommunicated Elizabeth but also encouraged her assassination. This marked a turning point in the relationship between Elizabeth and Catholics, who now became a greater threat to her.

8 Plenary – a touch of Scrabble
The mystery word that relates to this lesson is worth 12 points ..... Using the Scrabble score card, can you work out which word it is?

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