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Power Session 10: Lead Conversion

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Presentation on theme: "Power Session 10: Lead Conversion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Session 10: Lead Conversion
Lead Generation 36:12:3 Power Session 10: Lead Conversion

2 Power Session 10 In this Power Session … What Is Lead Conversion?
Get to Know Them Tips for Getting an Appointment Getting the Most from Internet Inquiries Consultation Prequalification Classify Your Leads Putting It All Together Page 1

3 Introduction Ground Rules Arrive on time. Form groups quickly.
Power Session 10 Ground Rules Arrive on time. Form groups quickly. Limit side conversations. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Be comfortable. Respect time. Respect each other. Help each other learn. Respect confidentiality. Have fun! Page 3

4 Introduction How You Will Learn Learning Methods Manual Classroom
Power Session 10 How You Will Learn Learning Methods Manual Models/Systems Exercises/Discussion Stories Classroom PowerPoint slides KWConnect videos Classmates/Instructor (Continued) Page 4

5 Accountability Feedback Loop
Introduction Power Session 10 How You Will Learn Accountability Methods Lead Generation Action Plan Accountability Partner/Program 1. Set Goals 2. Do Key Activities 3. Measure Results 4. Evaluate Process 5. Make Adjustments Accountability Feedback Loop Page 4

6 Introduction EXERCISE Where You Are Today Time: 10 minutes
Power Session 10 EXERCISE Where You Are Today Lead Generation Activities My aha’s from these activities The most difficult part of these activities What I will do differently in the next 24 hours Time: 10 minutes Page 5

7 To increase the number of appointments you get!
Introduction Power Session 10 Why You Are Here To increase the number of appointments you get! You are here! Pages 6-7

8 Introduction What Will Make This a Great Training Experience Page 8
Power Session 10 What Will Make This a Great Training Experience Page 8

9 What Is Lead Conversion?
Power Session 10 Leads Ready, willing, and able to do business now Top priority Get your face-to-face time Enter them in your database Everyone Else May do business with you sometime in the future Follow up Page 9

10 What Is Lead Conversion?
Power Session 10 Conversions Inquiry Lead Appointment Agreement Contract Closing Page 9

11 Treat people the way they want to be treated.
Get to Know Your Leads Power Session 10 Behavioral Styles Treat people the way they want to be treated. Page 11

12 Get to Know Your Leads Behavioral Styles Influence Dominance
Power Session 10 Behavioral Styles Influence Dominance Steadiness Compliance Page 12

13 Get to Know Your Leads Build Rapport
Power Session 10 Build Rapport Communicate in a way that is meaningful to the person with whom you are talking. Page 13

14 Tips for Getting an Appointment
Power Session 10 10 Tips for Getting an Appointment Ask for the appointment. Be an expert in your market. Be confident in your ability. Have a list of questions and ask them. Listen. Pages 15-17

15 Tips for Getting an Appointment
Power Session 10 10 Tips for Getting an Appointment Come from contribution. Begin with the end in mind. Seek agreement. Respond quickly. Communicate in person. Pages 18-21

16 Consultation Prequalification
Power Session 10 Gather pertinent information prior to your face-to-face consultation with sellers and buyers. Page 27

17 Consultation Prequalification
Power Session 10 Questions to Ask Sellers Pages 28-31

18 Consultation Prequalification
Power Session 10 Questions to Ask Buyers Pages 32-42

19 Consultation Prequalification
Power Session 10 Common Buyer Questions Pages 42-46

20 Consultation Prequalification
Power Session 10 Answers for Objections and Barriers Pages 47-51

21 Classify Your Leads Reasons to Classify Potential Customers
Power Session 10 Reasons to Classify Potential Customers 1. Determine how quickly you need to hold a consultation. 2. Decide how much to cover in your consultation. 3. Determine what to do for follow-up. 4. Eliminate prospects who are not good business for you. Page 52

22 Putting It All Together
Power Session 10 Power Session Aha’s Your Lead Generation Action Plan Page 55-56

23 Putting It All Together
Power Session 10 The 3-Hour Habit Time block 3 hours every workday before noon. No skipping. If you must erase, then you must replace. Allow no interruptions (unless they truly are emergencies). Page 57-58

24 Thank You for Being Here!
Don’t forget your evaluations!

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