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Question Answer Relationships

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1 Question Answer Relationships

2 The Four Types of Questions
Right There Search and Locate Author and Me On My Own

3 Right There The answer is usually located in one sentence and is EASY TO FIND. The reader will find some of the same words in the answer that are in the question. The information is EXPLICITELY stated LITERAL and RIGHT IN THE TEXT ON THE LINE

4 Search and Locate The answer is located in more than one sentence or paragraph. The reader must PUT different parts of the text TOGETHER to find the answer. The information is stated in the text and the reader answers the question by PUTTING it TOGETHER. LITERAL and RIGHT IN THE TEXT ON SEVERAL LINES

5 Author and Me The answer is IMPLIED and is not stated in the text. The reader must access PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF INFORMATION provided by the author and make an inference. The answer to the question is IMPLICITELY STATED. IMPLIED and NOT IN THE TEXT BETWEEN THE LINES

6 On My Own The answer is not located in the text. The reader can even answer the question WITHOUT reading the text. You need to use your OWN EXPERIENCES to answer the questions. EVALUATIVE and NOT IN THE TEXT BEYOND THE LINES

7 David Text David woke up fifteen minutes late. As soon as he saw the clock, he jumped out of bed and headed for the shower, afraid he'd miss the bus again. He looked in the dryer for his favorite jeans, but they were actually still in the washing machine. "Dang! I told my sister to put my stuff in the dryer! Now what am I gonna wear today?" After settling for a pair of baggy shorts and a Hilfiger rugby shirt, he grabbed a bag of chips and a soda from the kitchen, and search frantically for his history book. When he found it, he put it in his backpack, along with his breakfast, his hat, and his lucky deck of cards. As he ran to the bus stop, he told himself, "I will not stay up late watching wrestling anymore!"

8 Right There Questions A question whose answer is right in the text and is easy to find. All you have to do is locate it and copy it down. It is usually found in one place or sentence. The information is explicitly stated. What did David do as soon as he saw the clock? What did he tell himself as he ran to the bus stop?

9 Search and Locate Questions
A question whose answer is in the text, but you have to pull it together from different parts of the text. You can't simply copy down the answer from one place. The answers the question by putting it together. How did David get ready to leave the house? What did David look for before he left the house?

10 Author and Me Questions
A question whose answer is not in the text itself. The answer is implied. The reader must access prior knowledge of the information provided by the author and make an inference. The answer to the question is implicitly stated. Where was David going that morning? At what time of day was David getting ready to go?

11 On My Own Questions A question whose answer is not in the text itself. The reader can even answer the question without reading the story. However, the question is based on some aspect or idea of the story. You need to use your own experiences to answer the questions. 1. Should teenagers be able to watch TV on school nights? 2. Should parents always wake their kids up in the morning?

12 In your Book Now I would like you to read one section or chapter of your book. As you read complete the types of question chart google classroom assignment. Make sure to include your answers to the questions and where you found them.

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