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Virtual testing based approval

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1 Virtual testing based approval
The tradition of UNECE is to have type approval based on physical tests. Revision 3 of the 1958 agreement opens up for approvals based on virtual testing. Revision 3 of the 1958 agreement will most likely be approved in March 2015. The conditions for Virtual approval is given in Schedule 3 §1.8. and Schedule 8 of the Revision 3 of the 1958 agreement Bolennarth Svensson

2 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 3 1.8. As an alternative to the test procedures referred to in paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 above, virtual testing may be used at the request of the applicant, in as far as this is provided for in the relevant UN Regulations and subject to the fulfilment of the general conditions as set out in Schedule 8 annexed to the 1958 Agreement. Bolennarth Svensson

3 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 8 General conditions for virtual testing methods 1. Virtual test pattern The following scheme shall be used as a basic structure for describing and conducting virtual testing: (a) Purpose; (b) Structure model; (c) Boundary conditions; (d) Load assumptions; (e) Calculation; (f) Assessment; (g) Documentation. Bolennarth Svensson

4 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 8 General conditions for virtual testing methods 2. Fundamentals of computer simulation and calculation 2.1. Mathematical model The mathematical model shall be supplied by the manufacturer. It shall reflect the complexity of the structure of the wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts to be tested in accordance with the requirements of the UN Regulations concerned and its boundary conditions. The same provisions shall apply, mutatis mutandis, for testing components independent of the vehicle. Bolennarth Svensson

5 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 8 General conditions for virtual testing methods 2. Fundamentals of computer simulation and calculation 2.2. Validation process of the mathematical model The mathematical model shall be validated in comparison with the actual test conditions. To that effect, physical testing shall be conducted as appropriate for the purposes of comparing the results obtained when using the mathematical model with the results of a physical test. Comparability of the test results shall be proven. A validation report shall be drafted by the manufacturer or by the Technical Service and submitted to the approval authority. Any change made to the mathematical model or to the software likely to invalidate the validation report shall be brought to the attention of the approval authority which may require a new validation process to be conducted. Bolennarth Svensson

6 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 8 General conditions for virtual testing methods 2. Fundamentals of computer simulation and calculation 2.2. Documentation The data and auxiliary tools used for the simulation and calculation shall be made available by the manufacturer and be documented in a way suitable for the technical service. Bolennarth Svensson

7 Virtual testing based approval
1958 Agreement rev. 3 Schedule 8 General conditions for virtual testing methods 3. Tools and support At the request of the approval authority or the Technical Service, the manufacturer shall supply or provide access to the necessary tools including appropriate software. In addition the manufacturer shall provide appropriate support to the approval authority or the Technical Service. Providing access and support to a Technical Service does not remove any obligation of the Technical Service regarding the skills of its personnel, the payment of license rights and respect of confidentiality. Bolennarth Svensson

8 Virtual testing based approval
Regulation 55 Coupling Equipment Main text This Regulation applies to drawbars which are separate units, not an integral part of the chassis of the towed vehicle. Annex 6 Testing of mechanical coupling devices or components 1. General testing requirements 1.1. Samples of coupling devices shall be tested for both strength and function. Physical testing shall be carried out wherever possible but unless stated otherwise the type approval authority or technical service may waive a physical strength test if the simple design of a component makes a theoretical check possible. Theoretical checks may be carried out to determine worst case conditions. In all cases, theoretical checks shall ensure the same quality of results as with dynamic or static testing. In cases of doubt it is the results of physical testing that are overriding. Bolennarth Svensson

9 Virtual testing based approval
Regulation 55 Coupling Equipment Annex 6 Testing of mechanical coupling devices or components 3.6. Drawbars Drawbars shall be tested in the same way as drawbar eyes (see paragraph 3.4.). The type approval authority or technical service may waive an endurance test if the simple design of a component makes a theoretical check of its strength possible. The design forces for the theoretical verification of the drawbar of centre axle trailers with a mass, C, of up to and including 3.5 tonnes shall be taken from ISO 7641/1:1983. … Bolennarth Svensson

10 Virtual testing based approval
European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval, ECWVTA Directive 2007/46/EC Article 11 Tests required for EC type-approval 3. As alternatives to the test procedures referred to in paragraph 1* and with the agreement of the approval authority, virtual testing methods may be used at the request of the manufacturer with respect to the regulatory acts listed in Annex XVI. 4. The general conditions which virtual testing methods must fulfil are set out in Appendix 1 to Annex XVI. * Physical testing Bolennarth Svensson

11 Virtual testing based approval
European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval, ECWVTA Directive 2007/46/EC Annex V Procedures to be followed with respect to EC typeapproval Appendix 2 Procedure for the assessment of the technical services 3.2. The auditors shall have been trained specifically for assessment activities. In addition, they shall have the specific knowledge of the technical area in which the technical service will exercise its activities. 4. Application for designation (c) in addition to the above, technical services which use virtual testing methods shall provide evidence of their ability to work in a Computer-Aided-x environment; Bolennarth Svensson

12 Virtual testing based approval
European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval, ECWVTA Directive 2007/46/EC Annex XVI Specific conditions required from virtual testing methods … Appendix 1 Has the same text as 1958 Agreement Rev 3 Schedule 8 Bolennarth Svensson

13 Virtual testing based approval
European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval, ECWVTA Directive 2007/46/EC Annex XVI Specific conditions required from virtual testing methods … Appendix 3 Bolennarth Svensson

14 Virtual testing based approval
In the long run VBG Group AB is interested in using Virtual testing. It is however essential that That virtual testing can be shown safe and sound That prerequisites are equal for all manufacturers As stated in directive 2007/46/EC Annex V Appendix 2 §4(c) the Technical Service shall provide evidence of their ability. This calls for an independent third party that is competent to make an audit that would serve as evidence of ability. DNV-GL can be such an independent body. Bolennarth Svensson

15 Virtual testing based approval
Possible roles of independent accreditation body Perform audits of Technical Services to provide evidence of ability to perform and/or approve validation reports Issuing approved validation reports based on performed validation activities including physical and virtual testing On behalf of industry issuing virtual test reports based on validated virtual test models. Bolennarth Svensson

16 Virtual testing based approval
References Verification and Validation of ICME Methods and Models for Aerospace Applications – V&V Guidelines and Recommended Best Practice Bolennarth Svensson

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