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A Dividing Nation – Right Side

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1 A Dividing Nation – Right Side
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois all applied for statehood as FREE states Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama all applied for statehood as SLAVE states Balance! 11 free states & 11 slave states 1819- Missouri applied for statehood as slave state 1820 -Maine applied for statehood


3 left Side – Create the following t-chart
Your Compromise and Why What actually Happened….

4 Missouri Compromise 1820 left side continued
“The Great Compromiser” – Henry Clay Missouri would enter the union as a slave state and Maine would enter as a free state Slavery was banned north of north latitude (with the exception of Missouri).


6 Slavery stats Year Slave Population 1790 697,681 1800 893,602 1810
1,191,362 1820 1,538,022 1830 2,009,043 1840 2,487,355 1850 3,304,313 1860 3,953,760


8 The Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay on the scene again!
CA enters as free state and New Mexico and Utah territories open to slavery (based on popular sovereignty) Slave trade abolished in Wash DC but not banned Fugitive Slave Law passed –required return of escaped slaves and Northerners must work with slave catchers

9 The Dred Scott Decision 1857
Dred Scott NOT a citizen therefore had no legal right to sue Slaves were property and no one could be deprived of property without due process (5th amendment) Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional ..basically slaveholders could take their slaves into free territory and they would still be slaves

10 Secession spreads across the south…
Secession spreads across the south….. April 12, 1861 attack on Fort Sumter –Civil War begins

11 Title: Tragic Prelude List at least 3 details that highlight the conflict btw the North and South…right side

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