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Or…..”What’s in your jeans?”

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Presentation on theme: "Or…..”What’s in your jeans?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or…..”What’s in your jeans?”
Genetics Jeopardy Or…..”What’s in your jeans?”

2 A type of allele that only “shows itself” when two of these alleles are present.

3 What is a recessive gene?

4 Having both genes ( alleles) the same.

5 What is homozygous?

6 Having both alleles different.

7 What is heterozygous?

8 Another word for homozygous.

9 What is pure bred?

10 Another term for heterozygous.

11 What is hybrid?

12 The “outward appearance” of an organism.

13 What is phenotype?

14 Another term for blending of genes.

15 What is incomplete dominance?

16 Mathematical tool to predict genotypes of offspring.

17 What is the Punnett square?

18 Letter to symbolize first generation of children.

19 What is F1?

20 Letter designation for the 23rd chromosome that is all there.

21 What is “X”?

22 The parent that determines the sex of the child.

23 Who is the father?

24 Smaller of the 2 sex chromosomes.

25 What is “Y”?

26 Term that describes how the alleles in A and B blood typing work.

27 What is co-dominance?

28 Animal that the Rh factor named after.

29 What is Rhesus monkey?

30 Kind of relationship between the Rh+ alleles and the Rh- alleles.

31 What is dominant / recessive?

32 Final Jeopardy The resulting genotype ratio of a cross between a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous recessive parent. Include all possible genotypes even if they are not found here. Hint: you don’t need to know the actual genes or traits.

33 What is 0:4:0?

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