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Loomis Union School District
January 25, 2017 Loomis Union School District Sexual Health Instruction Training Grade 8
Expectations for Training Comfort level with Sexual Health Instruction
LUSD Training Agenda Expectations for Training Comfort level with Sexual Health Instruction Review (briefly): LUSD Board Policy LUSD Administrative Regulations California Health Youth Act Curriculum Review Grade 8- Comprehensive Sexual Health Positive Prevention Plus Questions/Discussion Please Sign In!
LUSD Board Policy & Administrative Regulations
Training Handouts Agenda for the Day LUSD Board Policy & Administrative Regulations BP & AR Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction Approved June 16, 2016 To reflect changes due to California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) Positive Prevention Plus Curriculum New edition to comply with AB329 Approved by Board of Trustees- June 16, 2016
Sexual Health Instruction/Positive Prevention Plus
LUSD Sexual Health Instruction/Positive Prevention Plus Introductions Parking Lot for Follow Up Items/Questions Self-Analysis of Comfort Level with Sexual Health Instruction 1- I plan to get the Plague in May 2- 1’d rather have a root canal 3- It could be worse; It could be state testing 4- No big deal; I can do this! 5- I’m ready to present at the Parent Night! Questions: What is my comfort level with providing Sexual Health Instruction? What is my comfort level with the content of Sexual Health Instruction? Group Agreements
So WHY are we doing this….(brief review)
LUSD So WHY are we doing this….(brief review) California Healthy Youth Act AB329 Updated October 1, 2015 Amended Education Code Sections The Purpose of the Healthy Youth Act: (Section Chapter 5.6): To provide a pupil with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect his or her sexual and reproductive health from HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy. To encourage a pupil to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender roles, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family. To promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development.
LUSD So WHY are we doing this….(brief review) The purpose of California Healthy Youth act AB329 Section 5190 (cont.): To ensure pupils receive integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased sexual health and HIV prevention instruction and provide educators with clear tools and guidance to accomplish that end. To provide pupils with knowledge and skills necessary to have healthy positive, and safe relationships and behaviors.
California Healthy Youth Act AB329
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act AB329 Also provided requirements for Comprehensive Sexual Health Education and HIV Prevention Education
California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Content
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Content Comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education must include: 1. Information on the nature of HIV, as well as other sexually transmitted infections, and their effects on the human body 2. Information on the manner in which HIV and other sexually transmitted infections are and are not transmitted, including information on relative risk of infection according to specific behaviors 3. Information about abstinence from sexual activity and injection drug use and that it is the only way to prevent HIV, STDs, and pregnancy. Provide medically accurate information on other methods of preventing HIV, STDs, and pregnancy.
More California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Content..
LUSD More California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Content.. 4. Information about FDA approved methods that prevent or reduce the risk of contracting HIV/STIs including use of antiviral medication consistent with the CDC 5. Information about the effectiveness and safety of reducing transmission risk with injection drug use (decreasing use and sharing) 6. Information about the treatment of HIV/ STIs with antivirals that can prolong life expectancy and reduce transmission. 7. Discussion about social views on HIV and AIDS (unfounded stereotypes, myths, HIV + and life expectancy)
Even More Requirements for Content California Healthy Youth Act...
LUSD Even More Requirements for Content California Healthy Youth Act... 8. Information about local resources to support sexual and reproductive health care 9. Information about FDA approved contraceptive methods in preventing pregnancy including but not limited to emergency contraception. A discussion of legally available pregnancy outcomes including but not limited to all the following: Parenting, Adoption, and Abortion. Surrendering physical custody of a minor child 72 hours of age or younger. Importance of prenatal care 10. Information about sexual harassment, assault, adolescent relationship abuse, violence, and sex trafficking
California Healthy Youth Act
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Instruction Requirements for Instruction in Sexual Health and HIV prevention : Instruction and materials shall be age appropriate All factual information presented shall be medically accurate and objective. Instruction shall be made available on an equal basis to a pupil who is an English Learner and alternative options are made to the curriculum for them.
California Healthy Youth Act
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Instruction 4. Instruction and materials shall be appropriate for use with pupils of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and pupils with disabilities. 5. Instruction and materials shall be accessible to pupils with disabilities, including, but not limited to the provision of a modified curriculum, materials and instruction in alternative formats, and auxiliary aids.
California Healthy Youth Act
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Instruction 6. Instruction and materials shall encourage a pupil to communicate with his or her parents, guardians, or other trusted adults about human sexuality 7. Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, shall be inclusive of same-sex relationships 8. Instruction shall teach pupils about gender, gender expression, gender identity, and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes 9. Instruction shall teach the value of maintaining committed relationships such as marriage
California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Instruction
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Requirements for Instruction 10. Instruction shall provide pupils with knowledge and skills they need to form healthy relations based on mutual respect and affections and free from violence, coercion, and intimidation 11. Instruction shall provide pupils with knowledge and skill they need to make and implement healthy decisions about sexuality, including negotiation and refusal skills to assist in overcoming peer pressure and use effective decision making skills to avoid high-risk activities 12. Instruction may not teach or promote religious doctrine
California Healthy Youth Act
LUSD California Healthy Youth Act Education code: All pupils in grades 7-12 inclusive, receive Sexual Health/ HIV prevention education at least once in middle school and at least once in high school So in LUSD…..we provide during 8th grade year.
LUSD Acknowledgment Form
Grade 8- Parents must sign and return form acknowledging receipt of information Parents may allow students to “opt out” from instruction Positive Prevention Plus Curriculum materials may be checked out for viewing through the District Office.
LUSD LUSD Annual Timeline January- Annual Training- Sexual Health Instruction 8th Grade Science Teachers February- Information Letters sent home Electronically for most; Paper for some 2 different letters; 1 for 7th, 1 for 8th Teachers must collect and maintain acknowledgement slips; make note of any “opt outs” March- Schedule time frame for Sexual Health/HIV Instruction Group consensus on instructional window
LUSD 7th Grade Curriculum
7th Grade science curriculum (Chapter 13) Human Reproduction Discovery Channel DVD- From Conception to Birth. Instruction provided by 7th Grade Science Teacher Consider option to change to Nova: The Miracle of Birth (video available on You Tube) has not yet been approved by Board of Trustees unable to edit video as requested in 2016
LUSD 8th Grade Curriculum
Instruction provided by 8th grade Science Teacher Positive Prevention Plus- Developed by American Red Cross A new edition approved by Board of Trustees in June 2016 12 Lessons to address requirements of California Healthy Youth Act: basic terms, impact, myths and stereotypes related to HIV compassion and concern for persons living with HIV how HIV and STDs are transmitted, including symptoms and testing information abstinence from sex and drugs and that this is the only 100% safe method of preventing HIV methods to reduce the risk of HIV, and the success and failure rate of condoms social pressures, communication skills to refuse risky behaviors, and community resources DVD- Sex Still Has a Price Tag.
Positive Prevention Plus
LUSD Positive Prevention Plus Addressing Values in the Classroom Facts- Spend most of your time here! →Institutional Values- What is required in Ca. Education Code, California Healthy Youth Act, etc. →Universal Values- Values we all can agree on; Respect, Safety, Responsibility, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Caring, etd. →Range of Values- Personal beliefs; Spend little time here! We teach content, not values.
Positive Prevention Plus
LUSD Positive Prevention Plus The Variety in a Classroom We don’t always know which students have personal or family experiences that shape their ability to engage in Sexual Health Instruction Such as…. abuse siblings or family members with history of or are currently experiencing gender questioning drug use sexual partners etc. Trauma Informed Care focuses on teaching with the assumption that all students have trauma or experiences that impact their ability to engage in instruction.
Positive Prevention Plus
LUSD Positive Prevention Plus Responding to Difficult Questions (see handout) If asked a question that is beyond the scope of curriculum: “I appreciate the question, but that is not an area that is addressed in the curriculum and is a question that is best asked of a parent or trusted adult”. Questions of Dread….. (index cards) Write down at least 1 question that you dread being asked Share aloud How would you respond?
LUSD Parent Information Night Scheduled for Tuesday March 21, 2017
To share Positive Prevention Plus Curriculum highlights Opportunity to review curriculum materials To describe an overview of the timeline of instruction
Questions? School Nurses: District Office:
LUSD Questions? CLT: Lori Jenkins- Franklin School Nurses: Wendy Freeman- H.Clarke Powers & Loomis Grammar Karen Jarvis- Franklin & LBCS Sheree Palma- Ophir Bonnie London- Placer & Penryn District Office: Jean Crouse- Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Carolyn Harrison or Roxanne Lopez- Admin. Assts.- to check out curriculum & DVDs for preview
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