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TASFAA ABC WORKSHOP By Karen Long Trail Texas Woman's University

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Presentation on theme: "TASFAA ABC WORKSHOP By Karen Long Trail Texas Woman's University"— Presentation transcript:

1 TASFAA ABC WORKSHOP By Karen Long Trail Texas Woman's University
CONSUMER INFORMATION INTRODUCTION TASFAA ABC WORKSHOP By Karen Long Trail Texas Woman's University 160 pages of material on NASFAA CREDENTIAL very large topic

2 Consumer Information Introduction Did You Know?
As a condition of awarding and disbursing Title IV federal student aid funds to their students, the Higher Education Act of and other statutes expect and require postsecondary educational institutions to report and disclose consumer information. Consumer information is to be provided to prospective students, employees, currently enrolled students, parents, and employees. The purpose of consumer information is to make an informed decision regarding education or employment.

3 Required Notice to Enrolled Students
Institution Information Available Financial Assistance Institution’s Annual Security/Fire Reports Institution’s Report on Athletic Participation Reports Annually Required

4 Institutional Information
General Disclosures covering costs of attending the institution Accreditation and licensure provisions Copyright Infringement Disclosures Academic programs, study abroad programs, disability related services, accreditation and licensure of the institution , school catalog

5 Institution Information: Did You Know!

6 Institutional Information
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day Observance of the signing of the Constitution, September 17, 1787 Full week events for Constitution Day and Voter Registration is usually done through the Student Life Office

7 Institutional Information that Includes Employees

8 Annual Required Reporting for Students, Employees and Prospective Employees that Participate in Campus Based Programs Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Programs If new employees are hired after the annual notice is sent, the institution must make sure these individuals receive the drug and alcohol abuse program information . The institution must provide a drug-free workplace and a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program Crime Statistics

9 Institutional Information Copyright Infringement Disclosures
An explicit statement that unauthorized distribution of copyright material and peer to peer file sharing may to subject to civil and criminal liabilities Know you University Policies A description of the policies, legal alternatives for downloading materials ,

10 Financial Assistance to Students and Prospective Students Required Information

11 Available Financial Assistance
Procedures and Forms for Financial Aid Criteria how recipients of aid are selected Criteria for determining award amounts Financial Aid Shopping Sheet Financial Aid Shopping Sheets, Cash Management Bank Mobile , Student Loan Related Disclosures

12 Campus Security and Fire Safety

13 Campus Security Information
Crime Statistics Emergency Notifications Annual Fire Safety Report

14 Consumer Information Disclosure Reporting Requirements
An institution must distribute its campus security and fire reports to enrolled students AND current employees each year by October 1. These reports can be distributed by the US. Postal Service, campus mail, or using a publication provided to each individual

15 The Clery Act

16 Consumer Information The Clery Act
Josoph M. Henry, a student, raped and murdered Jeanne Clery, another student, in April 1986 in Stoughton Hall at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Henry was given a death sentence via the electric chair by a trial court, a decision which was upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court when appealed. The attack on Clery was one of 38 violent crimes recorded at the university in three years. Her parents argued that, had the university's crime record been known, Clery would not have attended. They sued, were awarded $2 million, and founded Security on Campus, a non-profit group.[6]


18 Consumer Information Annual Security Report
The Clery Act requires institutions to give timely warnings of crimes that represent a threat to the safety of students or employees. Institutions are required to publish their policies regarding timely warnings in their Annual Campus Security Report. The institution is only required to notify the community of crimes which are covered by the Clery statistics.

19 Consumer Information and Disclosure in Athletic Programs Participation Rates

20 Athletic Programs Financial Support Data
Provide transparency to current students, prospective students, and the public Annual Report ( EADA) required Coaching staff information Total amount of financial aid awarded to male/female athletes The Report officially known as the Report on Athletic Program Participation

21 Consumer Information I hope you have enjoyed and learned about the framework of Consumer Education. This presentation provides general information about Consumer Information, the Clery Act, and various platforms used to publish information and is for discussion purposes only. Actual compliance determinations must be made after a careful analysis of specific facts on a case-by-case Basis. Comments made during this presentation are for instructional and illustrative purposes only and are not intended for attribution or publication. Questions? Thank you!

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