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SCCOOS Web Site Training

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1 SCCOOS Web Site Training
Ports and Harbors Los Angeles/Long Beach

2 1. Go to the Ports & Harbors-Los Angeles/Long Beach web page at

3 2. Show the scale for the observations by clicking on “Scale.”
3. Find the vector at N, W. Use the coordinates in the bottom right corner to help you.

4 4. Click on this vector. What is the magnitude and direction of the surface current at this location? What is the timescale for this observation? *Answers will vary depending on the conditions on the day of the training.

5 5. Disable the Wave Models
5. Disable the Wave Models. (Note: Yellow dots are physical buoys and green dots are modeled data)

6 6. Click on the San Pedro Wave Buoy. What is the location of this buoy?

7 When were the most recent observations recorded?
What are the most recent observations for the following measurements: Wave height Wave period Wave direction Water temperature Magnitude and direction of the nearest winds forecast (if available)

8 ANSWER: This buoy is located at N, W. Answers for observations will vary depending on conditions.

9 7. Disable the Wave Observations and enable the Wave Models.
8. What is the wave height at Monitoring and predication Site 001? *Answers will vary depending on conditions

10 9. Select wave direction in the menu on the left side of the screen.
10. What is the wave direction at Monitoring and Predication Site 001? *Answer will vary depending on conditions

11 11. Disable the shipping lanes and enable the San Pedro Channel chart in the menu on the left side of the screen. (Note: you can only have one base layer, so the waves will be disabled when charts are enabled, but currents will still be overlaid.)

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