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“Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside.”

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Presentation on theme: "“Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside.”
Restoring Health What your doctor may not tell you about reversing chronic disease and restoring health “Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside.” - Albert Schweitzer Marco De La Cruz M.D.

2 “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his (or her) patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

3 Causes of Diseases 80-90% of chronic diseases have an inflammatory component Chronic inflammation = chronic dz

4 Biggest causes of Inflammation
#1Stress #2 Food: Sugar, Grains, Dairy. Trans fats #3 Food allergies/sensitivities: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn and peanuts. #4 Infections: viruses, bacteria, yeast #5 Toxins: Chemicals in foods, heavy metals, petrochemicals

5 The Fire Within Inflammation is the cause of everything: heart disease, ALZ, diabetes and rapid aging. Harvard cites inflammation as the cause of heart disease. Take home point: if the brain is on fire > ALZ Medications treat symptoms of inflammation, but do not cure it. The power of our diet to trigger or cool off inflammation is immense.

6 Introduction The road to integrative medicine:
Thought would cure 90% of patients Majority of chronic problems managed not cured; often with harmful medications Stress, a major contributor to chronic illness, reveals the mind and body connection

7 Why do we get sick?

8 Symptoms and signs tell us the body is out of balance; moving towards illness, and dis-ease.

9 Cause of Disease How your genes and environment
interact determines illness and health

10 Lifestyle and environment turn genes on and off

11 The body is always trying to move towards balance and health.

12 Causes of Diseases (Energy Drainers)
Stress Inflammation Sugar intolerance Malnutrition Toxicity

13 Inflammation Causes of Diseases
The body trying to repair or defend itself Something causing an immune response

14 Biggest causes of Inflammation
#1Stress #2 Food: Sugar, Grains, Dairy. Trans fats #3 Food allergies/sensitivities: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn and peanuts. #4 Infections: viruses, bacteria, yeast #5 Toxins: Chemicals in foods, heavy metals, petrochemicals


16 Sugar Intolerance Causes of Diseases Insulin works too hard
Insulin is inflammatory Insulin stores fat

17 Sugar Intolerance Causes of Diseses Sugar = Inflammation
Insulin = Inflammation Fat = Inflammation

18 Malnutrition Causes of Diseases Lack of nutrients!!!!! Harmful foods
Non-foods Chemicals/toxins

19 Toxicity-Body Causes of Diseases Toxins in food Toxins in environment
Toxins in the body

20 Toxicity- Mind/Spirit
Causes of Diseases Toxicity- Mind/Spirit Fear Worry Anger

21 Penicillin and Pneumonia
Restoring Health Penicillin and Pneumonia Medicine at its best: a pill that cures The search for a cure in a pill Doesn’t work for chronic diseases

22 Remove the causes Restoring Health Inflammation Sugar intolerance
Malnutrition Toxicity

23 Restoring Health Testing for food allergies Anti-inflammatory diet
Elimination diet Anti-inflammatory diet Anti-inflammatory lifestyle

24 Sugar Intolerance Restoring Health Reduce/remove sugars
Grains are sugars

25 Restoring Health Detoxing Skin Kidney Liver Intestinal

26 Restoring Health Paleo Diet No sugar/grains/dairy Anti-inflammatory
More greens More low-sugar fruits

27 Restoring Health Paleo Diet Not a fad diet How our diet evolved
Adkins, South Beach Sugar Busters

28 Restoring Health Paleo Diet Heart disease is inflammatory
Reversing heard disease with diet and supplements

29 Restoring Health Paleo Diet Brain dysfunction from sugar and grains
Depression, ADD, autism Bipolar, Schizophrenia

30 Restoring Health Paleo Diet Reversing MS Not new Calming Immune system

31 Dr. Terry Wahls’ story You Tube: Minding Your Mitochondria

32 Diagnosed with MS in 2000 By 2002 using a wheelchair Went outside the box to learn

33 Paleo Principles: no grains, dairy or legumes
CHO’s and sugars  insulin  inflammation

34 Functional Medicine: How genes, diet, toxins, hormones,
infections and psychological factors interact for health and disease

35 Lessons from: Paleo diet: eliminate certain foods Functional Med: supplements to restore health

36 Wahl’s Protocol Take out foods that are toxic and/or inflame
Put in foods that deliver nutrients needed to restore health

37 Cellular nutrition is the basis of health
Mitochondrial dysfunction is the basis of disease: - lack of nutrients - toxicity

38 Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases share:
strained mitochondria excessive inflammation hyperactive immune cells toxin overload

39 Wahl’s Protocol Restore health by: repair and support mitochondria
reduce inflammation reduce immune system reactivity reduce toxins and increase detox

40 Wahl’s Protocol Wahls Diet: Put in good, take out bad
3 cups leafy greens 3 cups sulfur-rich vegetables 3 cups deeply colored fruits and vegetables Gluten-free, dairy-free Organic, grass-fed, wild-caught

41 Wahls’ Protocol A prescription for autoimmune and chronic diseases
Increase micronutrients, decrease inflammation and reduce toxicity A mind-body-spirit approach to health

42 Restoring Health Optimal Personal Energy
Energy Gain + Energy Drain - Body Greens Exercise, Sleep Grains Fast-foods Insomnia Mind Breath Awareness Optimism Worry Pessimism Spirit Prayer, Love, Gratitude Grudge Hopeless

43 Optimal Personal Energy
Implement Energy Gainers + Avoid Energy Drainers - Body Spinach salad, 15 min walk, in bed by 10pm, Cut out sweets, No alcohol during week, TV news before bedtime Mind Practice Breath Awareness, Optimism and positive self-talk Worrying about finances, negative self-talk/words Spirit Morning Meditation, Gratitude exercises Judging others

44 Restoring Health is a Balancing Act
Summary Health is about Energy Address the root causes Take out the bad, bring in the good Create a personal mind-body-spirit program for energy and health

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