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Presented by Jochen Butt-Pośnik 4th of July 2018, Bielefeld

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1 Presented by Jochen Butt-Pośnik 4th of July 2018, Bielefeld
Active European Citizenship Education in European programmes »Europe for Citizens« Presented by Jochen Butt-Pośnik 4th of July 2018, Bielefeld

2 Overview What is the Active European Citizenship we speak about in the context of European programmes? What are programmes in support of Active European Citizenship Education on European level? What is done in the Citizenship programme “Europe for Citizens“? A look at the funding opportunities: European Remembrance Citizens‘ Meetings and Networks of Towns (Town Twinning) Civil society projects A view into the future Questions & debate

3 What is the Active European Citizenship we speak about in the context of European programmes (I/II)?
Rights- and value-based approach: “As a citizenship shared by all Europeans, complementing and not replacing national citizenships, EU citizenship embodies shared rights and values as well as the rich diversity of a Union of different nationalities and languages. The Lisbon Treaty and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights consolidated the rights, opportunities and safeguards of EU citizenship. These include the freedom to travel, work and study in other EU countries, to participate in European political life and to be protected from discrimination on the basis of nationality.”

4 What is the Active European Citizenship we speak about in the context of European programmes (II/III)? One of many definitions: “The term “active citizenship“ means the continuous and responsible activities of citizens in shaping their communities. This may happen individually as well as collectively in the frame of citizens‘ initiatives/NGOs, organised civil society or in the educational sector“

5 What is the Active European Citizenship we speak about in the context of European programmes (III/III)? Competence-based approach: “Major policy documents have recognised the importance of promoting active citizenship and, as a result, it has become one of the main objectives for education systems throughout Europe. Furthermore, the European reference framework on key competences for lifelong learning proposed that young people should be helped to develop social and civic competences, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, during their school education.” The same applies to other ages and non-formal education.

6 What are “civic competences“?
a knowledge of basic democratic concepts including an understanding of society and social and political movements; the European integration process and EU structures; and major social developments, both past and present. skills such as: critical thinking and communication skills the ability and willingness to participate constructively in the public domain, including in the decision-making process through voting a sense of belonging to society at various levels a respect for democratic values and diversity support for sustainable development (Eurydice; Citizenship Education in Europe 2012)

7 EU Programmes in support of Active Citizenship Education (I/IV)
Various initiatives encourage citizens and organisations to play an active role in the EU: Europe for Citizens programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme Erasmus+, especially Youth in Action and Adult Education

8 EU Programmes in support of Active Citizenship Education (II/IV)
Europe for Citizens programme aims to improve people’s understanding of the EU, its history and diversity, to develop awareness of the rights granted by European citizenship, and to increase democratic participation at EU level.

9 EU Programmes in support of Active Citizenship Education (III/IV)
Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme supports projects to promote equality and fundamental rights, increase awareness of the rights granted by EU citizenship and encourage people to play a more active role in democracy at EU level.

10 EU Programmes in support of Active Citizenship Education (IV/IV)
Erasmus+, especially Youth in Action and Adult Education Aims at supporting the Europe strategy, the EU Youth Strategy and promoting Europe’s values in accordance of Art. 2 in the Treaty on European Union Supports policy such as Paris Declaration

11 What else is done by the Commission to support active participation in the democratic life of the EU? The Commission regularly launches public consultations on initiatives it is planning, allowing every European to have their say on the issues. Citizens' Dialogues – these are held in cities across the EU, to listen to people’s views and discuss issues people are concerned about. Civil Dialogue – these are discussions between the Commission and civil society organisations who specialise in various subjects. The European Citizens’ Initiative allows you to ask the European Commission to prepare legislation. The petition must be signed by at least 1 million people from at least one quarter of the EU's countries (currently at least 7 countries).

12 The Citizenship programm 2014-2020
Introduction The Citizenship programm Objectives, political context and structure

13 Objectives of the programme
Bringing the Union closer to citizens to contribute to citizens' understanding of the Union, its history and diversity to promote peace, the values of the Union and the well-being of its peoples by stimulating debate, reflection and the development of networks to foster European citizenship to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level Bridge as symbol for the Europe for Citizens‘ programme: Stands for bridging the gap between the EU and the citizens With this programme the EU supports local and regional authorities, associations, organisations and institutions who contribute to the following Klicks (alle einzeln): that the citizens know more about the EU and ist decision processes on political level that they know more about European history and common values (democracy, respect of human rights, rule of law, …) and exchange their views on this; that they know their rights as citizens of the EU and use them (participation, civic engagement) and the EU promotes projects that help to improve the condition for participation

14 Political context Take part and make your yoice heard
Citizens‘ Concern Future of the EU Rationale behind the European Integration process Stronger participation in EU public sphere Addressing the use of fear,populist language, prejudice and hatred Political context (work programme 2018): Starting point of the reflexion: challenging times for the EU with Brexit, immigration, impact of the financial crisis and eurosceptism EU commission, parliament etc. discuss future of the Union EfC follows an approach from both sides: Bottom up approach: to know more about citizens‘ concerns, „to listen and respond“ to offer opportunities to discuss the future of the EU to foster civic engagement of European citizens in all aspects of their community life Top down approach: to increase awareness of citizens of the rational behind the European integration process to foster a feeling of belonging to the EU and to address the use of fear, populist language, fake information, prejudice and hatred With the funded projects citizens shall have opportunities to take part and make their voice heard. Civic engagement Take part and make your yoice heard (© AP)

15 Structure of the programme
Democratic engagement and civic participation 60 % European Remem-brance 20 % Project grants Remembrance History 20th Century Operational grants Valorisation Project grants Citizens‘ Meetings Networks of Towns Civil society projects Operational grants 10 %

16 Eligible for participation
All participating organizations and people have to have their seat in: one of the 28 EU member states in Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania und Bosnia and Herzegowina Non-profit organizations and bodies: Municipalities, local and regional governments Associations, societies, NGOs Educational, social and cultural instituts Foundations, trade unions, church organizations Other countries can ask for a participation in the programme EFTA/EEA members Island, Liechtenstein and Norway Turkey as accession candidate I is laid down in the Programme regulation which Non EU member states can participate. Important: Profit-making organzisations and companies cannot apply for funding! Applicants need to have a legal status.

17 Funding opportunities for projects Strand 1: European Remembrance
Strands Funding opportunities for projects Strand 1: European Remembrance

18 European Remembrance Remembrance and historical turning points
European dimension: several partner organizations/municipalities European subject participants from other countries duration of the projects: max. 18 moths EU funding: Euros This strand supports activities that invite to reflect on European cultural diversity and on the Union's common values in the broadest sense. It finances projects reflecting on causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe's modern history and to commemorate the victims of their crimes other defining moments and reference points in recent European history Priorities for the years 2016 to 2020 (see website) include different types of organisations (local authorities, civil society organisations, research institutes, etc.) develop different types of activities (research, non-formal education, public debates, exhibitions, etc.) involve citizens from different target groups and reach out to the younger generation Speciality: One figure, represents the applicant: Project doesn‘t need to be implemented in co- operation with partners from other countries. But - it needs a strong European dimension: 1. Klick: Priority will be given to projects with several partners from other countries, two or three 2. Klick: oder/und European subject (e.g. prisoners of war, forced labourers) 3. Klick: oder/und Participants from other countries 4. Klick: (duration and grant amount)

19 Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
Strands Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation

20 Citizens‘ Meetings Twinned towns or friendship co
common subject of European relevance civic engagement and volunteering at least 2 partners from different countries at least 25 travelling participants EU funding: max Euros Existing or planned twinnings, but also friendshops between local communities (rural areas!) Exchange on a common subject with European relevance Objective of this measure: Participation of citizens in shaping the EU and to offer possibilities for societal engagement and volunteering at European level Two figures (applicant and 1 partner): at least 2 municipalities 1. Klick: Better more! 2. Klick: (participants and grant amount)

21 Networks of Towns at least 4 events
Duration of the project: max. 24 months Exchange on local governmental level Common subject of European relevance at least 4 municipalities from differentcountries at least 30% international guests EU funding: max Euros Expected: a series of at least 4 different events (conferences, workshops, citizens‘ meetings) maximum duration of the EU funding 24 months exchange of municipalities or regions and associations (civil society) on a common theme with European relevance: meeting group should be as divers as possible develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable and to exchange good practice. 4 Figures: at least 4 partners (incl. applicant = yellow figur) 1. Klick: The better the more partners at least 30% of the participants should be guests from other countries 2. Klick: EU grant amount

22 Civil society projects
Fields of action: Promotion of European citizenship Gathering of Opinions Volunteering, civic engagement at least 3 partner from different countries Duration of the project: max. 18 months EU funding: max Euros Aim of this measure: at supporting projects that directly involve citizens from different horizons, in activities directly linked to Union policies, e.g. polical initiatives of the EU Commission, White or Green book etc. = invite citizens to act together or debate the multi-annual priorities themes of the programme at local and European level. = Giving them an opportunity to concretely participate in the shaping of the Union's political agenda A Civil Society Project must include at least two of the following three types of activities: Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity: activities able to promoting debate, campaigns or actions on the themes of common interest in the larger framework of the rights and responsibilities of the EU citizens and making the link to the European political agenda and policy making process. Gathering of opinions: activities aiming at gathering the individual opinions of the citizens on a specific topic to be yearly defined, favouring a bottom up approach (including the use of social networks, webinars, etc.) and media literacy. Volunteering: activities promoting solidarity among Union citizens and beyond 3 Figures mean: at least 3 partners (incl. applicant = yellow figur) 1. Klick: The better the more partners! 2. Klick: (duration and grant amount)

23 A look into the future: EU Rights & Values Programme 2021-2027

24 About us Head: Jochen Butt-Pośnik
Information officers: Jeanette Franza, Jan Schmieder Host: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. Co-funded by: European Commission (GD HOME) and German Federal Government (BMFSFJ) Find us: and Facebook

25 Do you have any further questions? Points for debate:
Thank you! Do you have any further questions? Points for debate: should the EU further defend a certain set of values (pro- diverse, open societies, equal opportunities, ecology…) or is this an interference in the different member states own decisions on political directions? How to support active citizenship (education) in times of “shrinking space for civic societies“ and right-wing populism?

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