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The Pigs (15, 24) (11, 16). The Pigs (15, 24) (11, 16)

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Presentation on theme: "The Pigs (15, 24) (11, 16). The Pigs (15, 24) (11, 16)"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Pigs (15, 24) (11, 16)

3 The Angry Birds Launch point: (2, 0) Maximum height: 20 yds.
Landing point: (26, 0)

4 Task Use the given information to graph the trajectory of each bird.
Find the maximum height, axis of symmetry, and distance traveled of each bird. Determine which bird flew the highest and which bird flew the furthest. Determine which bird(s) hit which pig.


6 Requirements Graph must include the trajectory of ALL birds.
Graph must include the pig locations. Graph must be labeled with the axis of symmetry, starting point, vertex, and landing point. Graph must be creative and colored. Table must be completed, all necessary work must be shown, and questions must answered.

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