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The Resurrected Christ

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2 The Resurrected Christ
Romans 1:4 Introduction The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a foundational principle of Christianity. Jesus claimed deity throughout His physical life (cf. John 5:16-18 – after healing a man on the Sabbath). That deity was prophesied about as being possessed by the Christ (cf. Matthew 22:41-45 – not only son of David, but Son of God). Son of David manifest in genealogy (cf. Matthew 1:1-17 – Written to Jewish audience to show Jesus was the messiah prophesied about.). Son of God by resurrection (cf. Romans 1:4). The resurrection of Jesus from the grave is a vital part of His doctrine.  Romans 1:4

3 Sadness Concerning His Death
Speaking of His Death Matthew 16:21-23; John 18:3-11; 19:25-27 After His Death John 20:11-12; Luke 24:16-17; John 20:24-25 Sadness Concerning His Death Speaking of His death Peter – Matthew 16:21-23 – Did not fully understand the necessity of Jesus’ death. Did not want to lose His master, and close companion  Peter fighting for Jesus – John 18:3-11 – Still not fully understanding, Peter was passionate about preserving Jesus’ life. Jesus’ Mother – John 19:25-27 – what despair must His mother have experienced. (Marry Magdalene was there too ) After His Death (Before Resurrection) Marry Magdalene – John 20:11-12 – Finding Jesus empty tomb. (Full of emotions.) Two disciples on the road to Emmaus – Luke 24:16-17 – Jesus appeared to them, but they were unable to tell it was Him. Thomas too sorrowful to accept the news about Jesus Resurrection – John 20:24-25 Jesus death was necessary, but without the resurrection it was in vain, for He was not the Son of God if not raised. The resurrection is a cornerstone of the faith delivered for many reasons 

4 Importance of Jesus’ Resurrection
Established Lordship Acts 2:29-36; Matthew 28:18; Acts 4:12 Validation of Faith 1 Corinthians 15:1-19 Importance of Jesus’ Resurrection Established His Lordship Acts 2:29-36 – Peter after quoting Psalm 16:8-11. Jesus is given all authority, and we must obey Him! – Matthew 28:18 Acts 4:12 – Salvation is by His authority, or in His name. If He is not raised, then He was not placed on His throne in His kingdom. A kingdom can’t exist without a king. Salvation doesn’t exist without the kingdom. Salvation doesn’t exist without the Lordship of Jesus, and submission to it. Validation of Faith 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 – Eyewitness testimony is undeniable proof. It is necessary to preach the resurrection when preaching the gospel. V – If Christ is not raised? Apostles preaching is vain (v. 14). Their message is meaningless because it isn’t true. Our faith is vain (v. 14). Our faith is meaningless because it is founded in a message that isn’t true. Apostles are false witnesses (v. 15). We are still in our sins (v. 17). Jesus would have been a liar. Ergo, His sin would disqualify Him as the perfect sacrifice for atonement of man. Those who have died have perished without hope (v. 18). Their faith was also in a false messiah. They would have no atonement for sins. They would have no hope of their own resurrection. Christians are the most pitiable (v. 19). We are obedient to a false god. We are persecuted for following a hypocrite. Our entire reason for hope is destroyed.

5 Importance of Jesus’ Resurrection
Hope of Spiritual Body and Eternal Life 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 35-45, 50-58 Assurance of Judgment Acts 17:30-31; Romans 2:6-11 Hope of Spiritual Body and Eternal Life 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 – Christ was raised first, we will be next. V – In order to be in heaven (a spiritual/incorruptible place) we must be given a spiritual body. (cf. v ). V. 58 – Therefore, we must be steadfast in our labor  Assurance of Judgment Acts 17:30-31 – God appointed Jesus as judge, and we know He will judge because He was raised from the dead. Romans 2:6-11 – Not everyone will go to heaven. Only those who recognize the indications of the resurrection, and submit to their resurrected Lord.

6 The Resurrected Christ
Conclusion The fact of the resurrection is an indispensable facet of the doctrine of Christ. Because Christ has been raised we must seek to obey Him, for He is Lord. Upon doing so we are promised and assured of a spiritual body and eternal life. However, we will first be judged, and must remain faithful until then. Romans 1:4

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