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Future Consequences of big government

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1 Future Consequences of big government


3 About the Cartoon Created by Gary Varvel Titled: “Big Government”
Depicts what the author believes the life of the future generation will be like in America.

4 Audience The audience would be anybody viewing this cartoon.
There have been many other political cartoons created that have the same message as this one.

5 Symbolism Obviously the ship symbolizes the American Government
What do the yokes around the children's neck symbolize? What does the desert symbolize? Who or what does the captain yelling “FULL SPEED AHEAD” symbolize?

6 Appeal Does this image create a logical appeal? (Logos)
Does this image create an emotional response? (Pathos)

7 Layout Foreground: The children with the yokes around their necks are in the foreground. The focus is on the children because the artist uses them to communicate the message of this cartoon.

8 Layout (cont…) Background: The desert scene is in the background. The ship is stretches from the middle ground to the background. It represents the future life the children will have as adults. It shows how the children will be controlled by the government and will have to bear the burden of debt from all the present day government spending. The desert show the lack of quality the children will have in their adult life.

9 Irony The irony of this image is that a large battleship is in the middle of a desert and two kids are trying to put it with yokes attached to themselves.

10 Bibliography Cartoon Info.
Artist Info.

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