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Do Plants Grow Under Water?

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1 Do Plants Grow Under Water?
prior knowledge Where do plants grow? field forest on the land under the water garden What do plants need? JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

2 float lake ocean plant JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

3 river roots float lake [flote] verb , floated, floating
to stay on the water without sinking. lake [lake] noun, plural, lakes A large area of water surrounded by land. JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

4 ocean plants river roots [oh-shun] noun, plural oceans
The vast body of salt water that covers the Earth. plants [plant] noun, plural plants Trees, grass, ferns.... make its own food but can not move. river [riv-ur] noun, plural rivers A large natural spring of moving water. roots [root] noun, plural roots The parts of a plants that usually grow downward into the soil. JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

5 * A funny monkey climbed a tall tree.
Grammar Do Plants Grow Under Water? Grammar Adjective (형용사) Some plants grow in fresh water. Most lakes have fresh water. Some plants grow in salt water. 형용사 fresh 가 명사인 water를 꾸며 준다. 해석: 어떤 식물은 담수/민물에서 자란다. 어떤 식물은 소금 물에서 자란다. practice (p 67) 형용사는 명사나 대명사를 꾸며준다.. *what kind funny monkeys /tall tree which one purple bicycle how many six boxes * A funny monkey climbed a tall tree. * That purple bicycle is mine. * Here’s six boxes of apples. JIR : Do Plants Grow Under Water? Evan: Grammar & Punctuation 3 : Rule 17 JIR-Push, pull,

6 float roots lake ocean plant river
Do Plants Grow Under Water? Vocab Test Read the definition and write the word on the line . float roots lake ocean plant river To stay on the water without sinking. A large area of water surrounded by land. The vast body of salt water that covers the Earth. Trees, grass, ferns.... make its own food but can not move. A large natural spring of moving water. The parts of a plants that usually grow downward into the soil. Unscramble the word. coean = kale = oalf = toors = rvier = antpl = Write the words in alphabetical order. float roots lake ocean plant river JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

7 Do Plants Grow Under Water? Before Writing
Fill the blank with the word in the word box.. Where do plants grow? Plants can grow in many places. Some can grow in fresh water . Most have fresh water. Most have fresh water, too. Some can grow in salt water. All have salt water. All plants need All need All need plants rivers lakes oceans sun water air Make your own sentence. Where do plants grow? What do plants need to grow? Some All need JIR-Do Plants Grow Under

8 Do Plants Grow Under Water?
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9 JIR-Do Plants Grow Under Water?

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