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Civil War: Union Capture of New Orleans

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1 Civil War: Union Capture of New Orleans

2 War in the West Union Strategy in the West:
Control major rivers (esp. Mississippi) Split the Confederacy in two Spring 1862, only New Orleans & Vicksburg remained on the Miss. River

3 Planning the Attack on New Orleans
Navy: Commander David Porter & Flag Officer David Farragut 4 heavy ships, 19 gunboats, 20 “mortar boats” Army: Gen. Benjamin Butler 9,000 men Battle Plan: Navy destroys forts on river, moves on city Army threatens city overland

4 Confederate Defenses Two large forts: Fort Philip and Fort Jackson
Over 100 large cannon Three, ironclad rams (two unfinished) A dozen armed tugs/steamers Barricade in main channel “Fire Rafts” 3,000-4,000 men Gen. Mansfield Lovell

5 Battle of New Orleans (April 1862)
Union begins 5-day bombardment of the Confederate forts (April 18th) Farragut loses patience, just sails fleet past them. Union fleet outduels the Confederate vessels. Farragut weighs anchor in New Orleans. New Orleans surrenders April 28th.

6 Union Occupation May 1, 1862: Gen. Butler enters New Orleans with 5,000 troops. Citizens verbally and physically assault Union soldiers. Butler takes extreme measures to subjugate the populace (and protect his troops).

7 ‘Butler in New Orleans’ Documents
Analyze the documents about Gen. Butler in New Orleans. Use the chart provided Answer the analysis questions about the occupation and Butler’s policies.

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