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Enlightenment Ideas Spread

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1 Enlightenment Ideas Spread
5.2 Notes Enlightenment Ideas Spread

2 New Ideas Challenge Society
Previously, people believed in the following: Divine right Strict class system Belief in heavenly reward for earthly suffering Not everyone agreed with replacing these ideas, but the enlightenment changes everything

3 Writers face censorship
Censorship-ban or burning of books Some writers will use fictional stories to get their point across Montesquieu-The Persian Letters Voltaire- Candide

4 Salons Social gatherings to exchange ideas Madame Geoffrin

5 Art and Literature During the rule of Louis XIV-architecture was Roman or Greek and paintings were baroque During Louis XV rococo art was light and elegant Pastels were used and portraits were of nobles and their happy servants.

6 Art of the Enlightenment

7 Composers Classical music Ballets and operas
Middle class could afford these concerts Musical figures of the Enlightenment: Johann Sebastian Bach George Frederick Handel Franz Joseph Haydn Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

8 Novels Daniel Defoe-Robinson Crusoe Samuel Richardson-Pamela
Pamela used a series of letters Jonathan Swift-Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver’s Travels uses satire as a literary device. Does anyone know what satire means?

9 Satire A literary device that exposes human weaknesses or social evils
Satire may use exaggeration, wit, irony, or humor to make its point. Satire may serve to entertain, to instruct, or to reform or bring about action

10 Satire Satire is used in many works of literature to show foolishness or vice in humans, organizations, or even governments - it uses sarcasm, ridicule, or irony. For example, satire is often used to effect political or social change, or to prevent it.

11 Examples “Weekend Update” from Saturday Night Live The Daily Show
The movie Scary Movie The movies of Austin Powers Most political cartoons in newspapers and magazines The songs of Weird Al Yankovic

12 Movie clip

13 Political Cartoons-Satire





18 SNL clip of Satire

19 Despots Enlightened despots were absolute rulers that accepted new ideas What would the opposite of despots be?

20 Frederick II Frederick the Great Allowed free press Ban torture
Reform Prussian government Tolerated religious differences

21 Create a web I want you to create a web over pgs. 189-193
Include how the ideas of this time spread and the forms in which it spread Include important people and their role in the Age of Reason


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