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Get your folder and sit in your assigned seats

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1 Get your folder and sit in your assigned seats
Colonial Grievances Get your folder and sit in your assigned seats

2 Taxation Game King George III = Mrs. Yates
Parliament Member = One student Tax Collectors = Two students Everyone else will be a tax paying colonist Form of currency = Tootsie rolls! (If you eat any of your tootsie rolls during this activity, you will be sent to tax jail and will not receive any at the end of the game.)

3 Taxation Game Reflection
Who feels upset in this situation and why? Is it fair that the king has so much? Why? Were the taxes fair, why or why not? Was there a way to make the taxes fair? If so, how? In what ways did this activity resemble the taxation system in colonial America?

4 1754-1763: The French and Indian War
French and Indians vs. Colonists British Colonists win and expand empire

5 Proclamation of 1763 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Settlers were forced to stay east of the Appalachian Mountains, Native Americans were to stay west Settlers crossed anyways

6 Sugar Act of 1764 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Taxes on sugar, coffee, tea, wine, other imports Several assemblies protest taxation

7 Stamp Act of 1765-1766 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Printed documents (deeds, newspapers, marriage licenses, etc.) issued only on special stamped paper Riots in cities Collectors forced to resign

8 Quartering Act of 1765 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Colonists must supply British troops with housing and other items (candles, firewood, etc.) Protest in assemblies New York Assembly punished for failure to comply (1767)

9 Townshend Revenue Acts of 1767
Provisions Colonial Reaction New taxes on glass, lead, paper, paints, tea customs collections tightened in America Stopped importing British goods Assemblies protest Newspapers attack British policy

10 Boston Massacre (1770)

11 1770: Repeal of the Townshend Acts
Ended Acts because British merchants were losing so much money during the boycott Tax on tea remained “I am clear that there must always be one tax to keep up the right, and, as such, I approve the Tea Duty.” -King George III

12 Tea Act of 1773 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Parliament gives East India Company right to sell tea directly to Americans Some taxes on tea reduced Protests against favoritism shown to monopolistic company Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773)

13 Boston Tea Party 1773 Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians and boarded three British ships They dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the sea to rebel against the Tea Act

14 Intolerable Acts of 1774 Provisions Colonial Reaction
Closed port of Boston Restructured Massachusetts government Restricts town meetings Troops quartered in Boston Officials accused of crimes sent to England or Canada for trial Boycott of British goods First Continental Congress

15 Work Period Read and answer questions on the London Magazine
Read and answer questions on Common Sense

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