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Digestion & Absorption

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion & Absorption"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion & Absorption
Carbohydrate Proteins Fats 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

2 Digestion and Absorption
Carbohydrates Types Amylose ( 20% of starches) Have 25 to 2,000 molecules of glucose Linked by 1:4 glucosyl link 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

3 Digestion and Absorption
Carbohydrates Amylopectin (80% of starches) Contain >6,000 glucose molecules Linked by 1:4 glucosyl links As well as 1:6 links 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

4 Digestion and Absorption
Carbohydrates Others Glycogen (animal starch) Polyglucose has 1,700 to 22,000 glucose molecules Inulin (fructose polysaccharide) Agar (galactose polysaccharide) Lactose, sucrose 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

5 Digestion of Carbohydrates
In the mouth Salivary  amylase Start the digestion of starch Optimal pH 6.7 Action is inhibited by acidic gastric juice 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

6 Digestion of Carbohydrates
1:4  In the lumen of SI Salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase act on polysaccharides Hydrolyze internal 1:4 linkages G G  dextrin 1:6  1:4  G 1:4  1:4  1:4  G G G Maltotriose 1:4  G Maltose G 1:4  Gal Lactose G 1:4  G Sucrose F 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

7 Digestion of Carbohydrates
1:4  Spare The 1:6 linkages Terminal 1:4 Linkages 1:4 next to 1:6 links G G  dextrin 1:6  1:4  1:4  G 1:4  1:4  G G G Maltotriose 1:4  G Maltose G 1:4  Gal Lactose G 1:4  G Sucrose F 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

8 Digestion of Carbohydrates
1:4  Thus the product of digestion of starch Maltose (2 glucose molecules) Maltotriose (3 molecules)  Limit dextrin 5 glucose molecules- pentose 8 glucose molecules G G  dextrin 1:6  1:4  1:4  G 1:4  1:4  G G G Maltotriose 1:4  G Maltose G 1:4  Gal Lactose G 1:4  G Sucrose F 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

9 Hydrolysis of Oligosaccharides
Final hydrolysis to monosaccharides Occur within the walls of brush boarder Brush boarder enzymes Oligosaccharidases Maltose glucose (maltase) 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

10 Hydrolysis of oligosaccharides
Maltotriose glucose (maltase)  Limit dextrin  glucose (isomaltase) Sucrose  glucose + fructose (sucrase) Lactose  glucose + galactose (lactase) 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

11 Hydrolysis of oligosaccharides
Glycocalyx Mucopolysaccharide Enzymes of intestinal epithelial cells embeded Activities of maltase, sucrase rise 2 to 5 days after a high sucrose or fructose diet Lactase activity remain unaltered for up to 5 weeks after high lactose diet 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

12 Absorption of monosaccharides
Small intestines Duodenum 30 cm Jejunum & ileum 7 meters Surface area =200 m2 Blood flow 400ml/min during food consumption 750 ml/min during digestion 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

13 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Site: jejunum, ileum Absorbed by active transport Sodium dependent carrier transport Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ SGLT1 K+ ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

14 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Glucose transport is affected by Na+ in lumen  Na+ conc facilitates influx of glucose into the cells  conc inhibit Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

15 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Glucose and Na+ share the same co-transporter Na+ -dependent glucose transporter (SGLT) Intracellular Na+ Kept low Na+/K+ ATPase pump Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

16 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Na+ move into cell along con gradient Glucose moves with Na+ Released into cell Na+ is transported into lateral spaces actively Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

17 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Glucose is moved into interstitial space by GLUT2 Energy for transport of glucose is provided by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

18 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Glucose transport mechanism Also transports galactose Fructose Utilize a different mechanism Facilitated transport Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

19 Absorption of Glucose & Galactose
Fructose Utilizes GLUT5 transport protein to move into the cells Utilizes GLUT2 to move out of the cell into ISF Lumen GLUT2 Glucose Glucose Glucose K+ Na+ Na+ K+ SGLT1 ECF Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

20 (II) Digestion & Absorption of Proteins
Sources Exogenous 50% of digested protein come from ingested food Endogenous 25% from secreted digestive juices 25% from desquamated cells Proteins are made up of amino acids joined by peptide bonds to form Peptides Polypeptides 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

21 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Digested into small polypetides and amino acids before absorption Pepsin Digest about 10% - 15% of protein entering GIT (proteoses, peptones, polypeptides) Require acid media (>ph 5 pepsin inhibited) 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

22 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Duodenum Proteolytic enzymes from pancreas (pancreatic proteases) Trypsin Chymotrypsin Carboxypeptidases All secreted as proenzymes Require enterokinase to activate 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

23 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Lumen Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes Protein, oligopeptides Peptides 2 to 6 AA Amino acids 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

24 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Brush boarder Brush boarder peptidases Peptides (2 to 6 AA) di-peptides, Tri-peptides, Amino acids 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

25 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Itracellular Cytosol peptidases Di- and tri-peptides Amino acids 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

26 Digestion and Absorption
Protein Digestion Lumen Brush-boarder Epithelial cell Blood Protein oligopeptides AA Dipeptides Tripeptides O--x--O O--x--O----O B B P C P Tetrapeptides O-x--O-x--O---O Brush Boarder Peptidases O--X--O Cytosol Peptidases 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

27 Absorption of Proteins
As whole protein Infants: gamma- globulins Pinocytosis As peptides Di-, tri-, tetra- pepdtides Amino acids intracellularly 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

28 Absorption of Proteins
At least there are 7 different transport system for amino acids 5 of these require Na+ and a co-transport in a manner similar to glucose AA AA AA Na+ Na+ K+ Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

29 Absorption of Proteins
You have co-transport system for Neutral amino acids Basic amino acids Acidic amino acids Imino acids AA AA AA Na+ Na+ K+ Na+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

30 Absorption of Proteins
The released AA by intracellular hydrolysis plus the AA absorbed by Na+ dependent co transport Transported out of enterocytes by different transport system Di & tri- Peptide Di & tri- Peptide AA AA H+ H+ K+ H+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

31 Absorption of Proteins
Di- & Tripeptide Transported into enterocytes by system that require H+ instead of Na+ In the enterocytes AA released from peptides by intracellular hydrolysis Di & tri- Peptide Di & tri- Peptide AA AA H+ H+ K+ H+ 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

32 (III) Digestion of Fats
Dietary lipids Triglycerides Cholesterol esters Phospholipids Fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

33 Digestion and Absorption
Lipids Triglycerides Glycerol fatty acids (FA) Most abundant form of fat in diet Digestion of fat involve Hydrolysis to split the ester bonds Lipolysis 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

34 Digestion and Absorption
Lipolysis In the stomach Small amount of digestion occurs By the lingual lipase before inactivation by acid Amount digested is less than 10% Most of the digestion of fat occur in the small intestines 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

35 Digestion and Absorption
Lipolysis In the duodenum Emulsification of fats (by bile salts) Small droplets Increase surface area for enzymes action Pancreatic lipase Act at water-lipid interface Optimum ph 6.5 Co-lipase protects the lipase 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

36 Digestion and Absorption
Lipolysis Pancreatic lipase Catalyses the hydrolysis of lipids Triglycerides FA + Monoglyceride Monoglyceride FA + glycerol 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

37 Digestion and Absorption
Digestion of Fats Cholesteryl esterase Cholesterol esters FFA + Cholesterol Phospholipase A2 Lecithin FFA + lysolecithin 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

38 Digestion and Absorption
Digestion of Fats Solubilization of lipolytic products Micelle formation Bile salts Lecithin Cholesterol FA Monoglyceride 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

39 Digestion and Absorption
Micelle Formation Bile salts Have polar group and a non polar group When mixed with water Form spherical clusters Polar end faces water interface Non polar end faces center of the cluster Cluster known as MICELLE 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

40 Digestion and Absorption
Micelle The non polar hydrocarbon centre In which lipids are solubilized Cholesterol , Long chain FA, Fat soluble vitamins Lethicin 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

41 Digestion and Absorption
Micelle formation Bile salts Polar end Non polar end FA, Glycerol, cholesterol, fat soluble vitamin Aqueous solution 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

42 Digestion and Absorption
Absorption of Lipids Short chain FFA <10 – 12 carbon Diffuse Lumen enterocyte blood Long chain FFA >12 carbon Form micelle At a bile salt conc. Of 2 – 5 mmol/L Micelles are formed 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

43 Digestion and Absorption
Lumen Enterocyte Short chain FA =<12 C Short chain FA TG FFA Monoglyceride, FFA, Bilesalts monoglyceride Phospholipids Lysolethin Cholesterol + FA Micelle + FA Cholestrol ester 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

44 Digestion and Absorption
Absorption of Lipids Intracellular processing Re-esterification FFA + glycerol TG Formation of TG Cholesterol esters phospholipids 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

45 Digestion and Absorption
Chylomicron Intracellular synthesized fats Coupled to apoprotein A&B to form LIPOPROTEINS Chylomicrons TG (85 –90%) Phospholipids Cholesterol esters Proteins Chylomicrons Lymph 2-Jan-19 Digestion and Absorption

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