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Ongoing Assessment of Change and Permanency

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1 Ongoing Assessment of Change and Permanency
Module 15 Ongoing Assessment of Change and Permanency 15.0.1

2 Learning Objectives 15.0.2

3 Agenda 15.0.3

4 Unit 15.1 Assessing Change 15.1.4

5 Learning Objectives 15.1.5

6 Safety planning which is integrated with case planning.
ASFA Safety planning which is integrated with case planning. Measurement of parent progress relative to provide safety. ASFA requires permanency be established within months; Florida’s statutes are more aggressive and require permanency hearing to review permanency goal within 12 months. 15.1.6

7 FFA-Investigation, Safety and Protective Capacities
FFA-Ongoing, Safety and Protective Capacities FFA-Ongoing, Update and Evaluate Safety and Protective Capacities 15.1.7

8 Level of Intrusiveness
Safety Plan: Level of Intrusiveness Case Plan Progress: CPCs are enhanced to provide for safety 15.1.8

9 Measuring Progress Progress 15.1.9

10 Progress Evaluation Purpose
The evaluation / progress update is a formal and ongoing intervention that occurs on a regular basis following the development and implementation of the case plan. Provides a standardized approach for measuring progress related to: Case Plan Outcome Achievement Confirming Safety Plan Sufficiency Motivational Readiness and Change

11 Assessing Family Change
Stage of Change Motivation for Change Change itself

12 Measuring Progress Consistently
No Progress Minimal Progress Significant Progress Outcome Achievement

13 Communicating with Caregivers and Providers
Unit 15.2 Communicating with Caregivers and Providers

14 Learning Objectives

15 Family Safety Service Providers Change Service Providers
Purposeful Contacts Family Safety Service Providers Change Service Providers

16 FSFN: Progress Update

17 Reassessing Parenting Skills and Parent/Child Bonding
Unit 15.3 Reassessing Parenting Skills and Parent/Child Bonding

18 Learning Objectives

19 Family Time / Visitation Evaluation
Frequency Consistent Routine Sporadic Rarely or Never Quality Excellent Adequate Not Adequate Adverse

20 Determining & Documenting Change: The Judicial Review
Unit 15.4 Determining & Documenting Change: The Judicial Review

21 Learning Objectives

22 document all case activity assess safety assess case plan progress
Judicial Review Continuously: document all case activity assess safety assess case plan progress get service provider updates Review & organize file

23 Citizen Review Panel

24 Young Adults 18+

25 FSFN Judicial Review Worksheet

26 Knowledge Assessment 4.3.56

27 1. What is a major component of a case manager’s job?
giving advice to parents, children, and caregivers evaluating performance and progress of family change ensuring the parents attend specified classes determining if a parent is in the correct stage of change Answer B

28 2. What is a critical element of change?
following the stages of change in order recognizing that the change must be positive the motivation of the person to change The assessment and feedback of the case manager Answer C

29 3. When evaluating a family member, what term would you use to describe a recurring pattern or developing pattern? Consistent Demonstrated Evident Diminished Answer A

30 4. What level of progress does this statement describe
4. What level of progress does this statement describe? “Parent is demonstrating actions that are evidence of significant progress towards achieving changes in one or more protective capacities. Parent is demonstrating considerable commitment of time and energy.” Acceptable Excellent Not Adequate No progress Answer B

31 5. Family time should be fun routine sporadic consistent Answer D

32 6. Family time should allow parents or caregivers to
allow their own needs to be met before considering the child’s gain confidence and practice what they are learning suspend their parental role to enjoy the children see if previous ways of relating still have a negative effect on the child Answer B

33 7. What is important for the judicial review process?
evaluate the last two months primarily provide minimal documentation for judicial expediency create a new JRSSR every three months assess safety and case plan progress Answer D

34 Yearly, on their birthday For each major life transition
8. What is the timeframe for judicial reviews for young adults in extended foster care? Every three months Every six months Yearly, on their birthday For each major life transition Answer B

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