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Environmental Accounts Working Group March 2011

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1 Environmental Accounts Working Group 28-29 March 2011
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts: Update and plans for 2011 data collection Environmental Accounts Working Group 28-29 March 2011

2 2009 EW-MFA Data Collection
15 September 2009 deadline On 23 March 2010: data for 18 countries were published Eurostat published estimated and gap-filled data for all EU-27 countries, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey at most detailed level possible Indicators: DMC and Resource Productivity were published at the higher levels of aggregation DMI not for EU-27

3 Publications Environmental statistics and accounts in Europe

4 Publications Statistics in focus

5 Data collection 2011! Reporting questionnaire to be sent out soon - middle of May 2011 Deadline: 15 September 2011 Requested reporting: Domestic extraction (Table A), Imports (Table B and C) and Exports (Table D and E) Please report trade data for EU-27! Optional reporting Table F and G The coverage Allow for reporting of 2010 figures as well Some countries have wanted to have the option of reporting data also according to stage of manufacturing...

6 Trade data by level of manufacturing
Optional reporting - trade data by level of manufacturing: raw products semi-manufactured products finished products Eurostat is working on developing the conversion code list and will come up with a harmonized list

7 Changes in the reporting questionnaire
Eliminated the sub-totals from non-metallic minerals Terminology improvements Reordering the categories in the non-metallic minerals Please note that these changes are already reflected in the proposed tables in the legal base.

8 Actions to improve data quality
Cross-checking for trade data – checks for inconsistency between Total and Extra-EU trade Updated the calculation tools for materials that need estimation Updated and improved the correspondence lists for trade and biomass

9 Legal symbols for reporting…
Description Symbol Category not applicable or zero - Data not available (or confidential) : Less than half a unit (0.049) Please report a non-zero value Please do not report "0"! Only numbers >0 and the symbols "-" and ":" are acceptable

10 Checking for blanks and illegal symbols… BEFORE you send in the data!
Click here! on each of the 8 sheets

11 Now that the data are in the Excel workbook
Be sure you… Have NOT changed the format of or hidden/changed any cells! Checked for blank cells, illegal symbols and inconsistency in trade data AND corrected any mistakes!

12 Sending data to Eurostat – use eDAMIS
Domain name: ENVPFLAC Data set name: ENVPFLAC_2_2 Contact Eurostat domain manager Give name of person who will send the data via eDAMIS. Must give Registration Rights and send back “Registration Rights Acknowledgement” before you can send data! eDAMIS Questions: Contact your local eDAMIS coordinator, or Eurostat eDAMIS helpdesk: (+352)

13 How Eurostat will check the data:
Use an Excel-based tool with macros to check the file sent in by countries Must use the 2011 questionnaire to report data to Eurostat! Checking… For illegal symbols, blanks For consistency of totals, sub-totals Large increases or decreases from year to year and with respect to the data reported last time (2009)

14 Gap-filled data will be published for all countries
All EU countries will have data published Eurostat will publish data for EFTA and candidate countries that report data – data will not be estimated for non-reporting countries Our Goal: Data will be published before the end of 2011

15 Compilation Guide Eurostat EW-MFA Manual will have three parts (step-wise): Part A: Theoretical Part with strong relation to the revised SEEA (in 2012, after SEEArev) Part B: Compilation Guide technical guidance to accompany the 2011-questionnaire including descriptions how new methodologies work (May 2011) Part C: Utilisation Part showing the practical usability of the figures/indicators (in 2012) 15 15

16 Questions?

17 What to include in the 2011 reporting questionnaire?
Does the Working Group agree with the proposal to include the reporting tables by level of manufacturing as optional reporting for the countries that can fill out these tables? If these optional tables are completed by countries, do countries wish to have this data published by Eurostat in Eurobase?

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