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Welcome Parents! Please sign in, help yourself to a water, and take the papers on the back table and find your child’s desk 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Please sign in, help yourself to a water, and take the papers on the back table and find your child’s desk "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Please sign in, help yourself to a water, and take the papers on the back table and find your child’s desk 

2 Welcome to Mrs. Maner’s Third Grade Class! Room 2.005
Open House August 10, 2017

3 Welcome to our class! Third grade is a time where students go from being dependent students in the beginning of the school year to independent students by the end of the year. Students are taught how to be responsible by meeting deadlines for projects, class work, and homework. They are also taught how to be a friend and be compassionate and look out for one another.

4 How can you get a hold of me?
Phone: Leave a message with our school secretary, Beth, if you call during instructional hours. I absolutely cannot leave the classroom during instructional time. I will call you back as soon as I am able.

5 Ways we will communicate with each other this year
We will communicate in many different ways this year. Here are some ways we will be able to get in touch with one another: Blog Your child’s agenda (in binder) Remind App (download to your phone) Weekly newsletter (Fridays) Phone call **It is imperative I have the most up to date s and phone numbers for you in case of emergencies as well. Please make sure the office has them, too. Thank you for being vigilant in this matter.

6 What is the CoGAT/ITBS and what does it mean for my child?
The CoGAT (cognitive abilities) and ITBS (test of basic skills) tests are tests that test basic skills your child should have since being enrolled in school. These tests are given in September. The dates for this test are from September A revised schedule will be in place for our class during this time. **The GA Milestones will be given in April and we will have more information when the time gets closer.

7 When is conference week this year?
Conference week for the school year is scheduled for October These conferences are mandated by Cobb County and important you attend. Students will get out all week at 12:20. Remember to let me know if transportation will change on these days for your child. Thanks!!

8 What kinds of snacks are permitted during snack time in the classroom?
Snack time in our room is usually around 9:00 a.m. Healthy snacks that ARE permitted to eat: fruit and raw vegetables, granola bars, fruit roll ups, fruit snacks, crackers, goldfish crackers, yogurt, dry cereals without sugar Snacks that are NOT permitted in class: soda, gum, chips of any kind, sugary dry cereals, anything chocolate, rice krispy treats, candy Please help your child make healthy choices when selecting a snack. They will thank you for it! **WE HAVE CHILDREN AND ADULTS IN OUR SCHOOL ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SEND IN ANYTHING WITH PEANUT BUTTER FOR A SNACK. THANK YOU!

9 Will there be homework every night?
There will be homework EVERY night in reading, math, and spelling. Sometimes if our class is working on a project that needs to get finished, time outside of school will be required (work on the weekends). Students will get homework sporadically in science and social studies because we do the majority of projects and work in class. In addition, students will have an agenda/binder they will write their homework in nightly along with their spelling words for the week. He/She will also have a reading log (20 minutes or more each night) you are to initial and sign each night along with the agenda for whatever day it is. It is the student’s responsibility to show you the agenda and reading log, but since you know it’s coming home every night remind him/her to show it to you until you think he/she can remember to show it to you without you asking.

10 How do I fill out the reading log
How do I fill out the reading log? *Please initial each night next to the Time spent reading area

11 SPECIALS AND LUNCH **Weather permitting! We will not go outside if it is too hot or too cold. We will have indoor recess. This year recess is from 11:54-12:24 SPECIALS ARE 9:55-10:40 AND LUNCH WILL BE FROM 11:20-11:50 WE SIT AT TABLE 1 ON THE LINE A SIDE.

Please make sure, if it is possible, that all appointments are made after 2:00 p.m. Getting students out of class even just 15 minutes early each day will result in 75 minutes of missed writing instruction a week. Transportation changes: If transportation changes for your child, YOU will need to call or send a note (if you know ahead of time) to school. I will not take your child’s word that he/she is to go home a certain way other than they usually do. Please do not me the transportation change or send a text through remind, as I may not get to check before the day is over. Thank you for taking this matter seriously and acting accordingly.

13 Medication at school… It is Cobb County policy as well as Nickajack policy that NO student at ANY time have over the counter medication/prescription medication on them at ANY time. This means in his/her book bag or pockets. If you have a special circumstance you MUST see our school nurse. If the medication gets in the wrong hands, a very serious situation can occur. This includes and is not limited to: inhalers for asthma, cough drops, cough syrup, Tylenol/Advil, children’s vitamins, etc… Everyone’s body reacts to things differently, so please be vigilant. Thank you!

14 Daily Schedule (tentative to change on certain days)
8:00-8:10 PBIS lesson(s) 8:15-9:15 Reading Workshop 9:15-9:20 Restroom Break/Snack 9:20-9:55 Content (social studies, science, health) 9:55-10:40 Specials 10:45-11:05-Math I 11:05-11:20 Grammar 11:24-11:54 Lunch 11:55-12:30 Restroom Break/Recess 12:30-1:25 Math II 1:25-2:00 Writing Workshop 2:05-2:15 Clean up/Pack-Up/Dismissal

15 Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
The point of PBIS is to focus on redirecting negative behaviors using positive incentives. Here is what we do in our class: CLASS DOJO/BRAVES BUCKS-Students receive points when they follow restroom, hallway, cafeteria, specials, and class expectations. Once they receive 15 points and increments of 15 thereafter, students get to pick a choice reward at the end of the day and complete it within 3 days. CLASS STORE-when students work their classroom job they will get paid $20 every two weeks to use towards the class store. LUNCH BUNCH-for students that have agendas, good behavior, reading logs, and homework all week. We come back to the classroom and eat lunch on Fridays. POSITIVE NOTES HOME-students will receive positive s or notes home for a job well done!

Please help support the NES foundation! With your donations, teachers are able to put that money right back to work in their classrooms. Please go to the Nickajack Foundation page for more information and check it out! Thank you for your donations!

17 I am here for you! WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE!
We are a team in your child’s education! I will do everything I can to help your child be successful in 3rd grade! However, it is a job we must do together! I look forward to working with you this year! I have a fun, exciting, and memorable year planned! WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE!

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