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*synonyms* bewilder confuse dumbfound astonish

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2 *synonyms* bewilder confuse dumbfound astonish
perplex verb *synonyms* bewilder confuse dumbfound astonish

3 definition Refusing to be persuaded or to change ones mind
adamant: adjective definition Refusing to be persuaded or to change ones mind

4 revitalize re-vi-te-liz verb
Definition: To make someone or something active, healthy, or energetic again.

5 luminous loo-muh-nuh s
Definition: Giving off light Shining, bright Brilliant, intellectually adjective Used to describe a person, place, thing or idea.

6 definition: showing great joy
Jubilant adjective definition: showing great joy 6

7 frivolous Definition: lack of seriousness or sense

8 agreeable uh-gree-uh-buh l adjective
Definition: *to one's liking *pleasing 8

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