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Character’s perspective

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1 Character’s perspective
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2 Chapter 11 reflection - Quickwrite
In Chapter 11, Jonas wishes The Community would embrace some of the old things before “sameness” occurred. He asked The Giver to use this power to influence the society to make changes. The Giver quickly corrected Jonas and reminded him that he has honor, and that is not the same as power. What is the difference between honor and power? Can one have one without the other?

3 Honor vs. Power Character’s Perspective

4 Admonition NOUN: an act or action of admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning

5 Fleeting ADJECTIVE: Lasting for a very short time.

6 phenomenon NOUN: An unusual fact or situation that is observed or happens, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.

7 relinquished VERB: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.

8 Read chapter 12

9 Using context clues What does the word capacity mean in the following paragraph from page 116? “When I was observing you, before the selection, I perceived that you probably had the capacity, and what you describe confirms that. A. The maximum amount that something can contain. B. The ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. C. perception to see beyond

10 Inferencing: How does jonas’S training contribute to the conflict of the story?
A. It contributes to his feeling of isolation and apartness because he cannot share his training experience with the other Twelves. B. It establishes Jonas’s position as The Receiver and shows his excitement and hunger for the knowledge gained through the memories. C. It shows how angry Jonas is at the other Twelves for breaking the rules and sharing their training experiences with one another. Textual evidence: _________________________________________Lowry ( )

11 Inferencing: Read the following sentences from the story
“There was no way to describe to his friends what he had experienced there in the Annex room. How could you describe a sled without describing a hill and snow; and how could you describe a hill and snow to someone who had never felt height or wind or that feathery, magical cold?” Based on these sentences, the reader can infer that Jonas – A. wishes to share his training experiences with the other Twelves. B. is feeling scared of being released if he shares his training because it is against his rules. C. is careful with his words and does not know how to describe this memory to his friends. Textual evidence: _________________________________________Lowry ( )

12 Analyzing Conflict: Which of these best describe the main conflict in the chapter 12?
A. Jonas is having a hard time understanding why Sameness took away some great aspects of society. B. The Giver is sad because Jonas doesn’t yet understand how much pain can come from the memories of the past. C. Fiona realizes that Jonas does not want to share his training experience with her and it causes a strain on their relationship. Textual evidence: _________________________________________Lowry ( )

13 Exit ticket “We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences.” He thought for a moment. “We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.” 1. Create a T-Chart of the pros and cons of life before and after sameness occurred. 2. Based on what we’ve learned about what The Community had to relinquish in order to create their “perfect” world, which way of living do you perceive to be best? _______________________________________________________________

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