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capricious: adjective

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Presentation on theme: "capricious: adjective"— Presentation transcript:

1 capricious: adjective
definition: given to sudden changes

2 capricious pronunciation: kuh-pree-shuhs

3 capricious synonyms: fickle temperamental unpredictable waffling
whimsical arbitrary impulsive variable flighty mercurial

4 capricious adverb capriciously noun capriciousness caprice
related forms: adverb capriciously noun capriciousness caprice

5 capricious Candice’s capricious attitude left others fearing what her next erratic mood would be.

6 capricious The girl’s capricious nature kept the boys from knowing where they stood.

7 capricious The rapidly changing colors on the mood ring reflected the girl’s capricious nature.

8 caprice Mere caprice dictated the woman’s moods.

9 capriciousness Super Mario’s many costumes reflect his capriciousness.

10 capriciously Unable to stick to a decision, she capriciously changed her mind.

11 capriciously The woman capriciously tried on shoes until the salesman depleted his stock.

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