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Data- PowerPoint months

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Presentation on theme: "Data- PowerPoint months"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data- PowerPoint 40-60 months
This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Number’ targeted towards the month age band.

2 Teaching tips: This is a good way to introduce data handling. Look at the data and talk about what you can see? What is it telling us? Now read the questions and interpret the data. Encourage the children to explain and give reasoning for their answers.

3 7 How many peoples favourite colour is green? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

4 2 How many peoples favourite colour yellow? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

5 9 How many people like blue and red? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

6 11 How many people like orange and green? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

7 6 How many peoples favourite colour is blue? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

8 22 How many people were asked altogether? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

9 yellow Which colour is least favourite? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

10 blue Which colour is the second favourite? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

11 green Which colour is the most favourite? Favourite colour
Green orange red blue yellow

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