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The p67 laminin receptor identifies human erythroid progenitor and precursor cells and is functionally important for their bone marrow lodgment by Halvard.

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Presentation on theme: "The p67 laminin receptor identifies human erythroid progenitor and precursor cells and is functionally important for their bone marrow lodgment by Halvard."— Presentation transcript:

1 The p67 laminin receptor identifies human erythroid progenitor and precursor cells and is functionally important for their bone marrow lodgment by Halvard Bonig, Kai-Hsin Chang, Betty Nakamoto, and Thalia Papayannopoulou Blood Volume 108(4): August 15, 2006 ©2006 by American Society of Hematology

2 p67 expression defines erythroid progenitor cells.
p67 expression defines erythroid progenitor cells. (A) p67 expression on CD34+ cells: p67 expression was detected on CD34+ cells from BM by staining with anti-p67Ab. (Representative FACS histogram, n = 8; grey area indicates FITC-labeled secondary Ab; black line, anti-p67+ FITC-labeled secondary Ab.) (B) Differential p67 expression on BM and MPB CD34+ cells: 34% ± 4% (mean ± SEM; range: 20%-48%) of BM CD34+ cells expressed p67. The frequency of p67-expressing cells among MPB CD34+ cells was 50% ± 5% (range: 38%-60%, P = .024, 8 donors for BM, 5 donors for MPB). (C) p67 expression by CD34+ cells is selective for erythroid cells: Among MPB CD34+ cells, glycophorin A+ cells were relatively infrequent (5.1%). However, 99% of the rare CD45dim glycophorin A+ cells (top) and 100% of the CD45+ glycophorin A+ cells (middle) expressed p67. p67 was also expressed on less than 10% of CD45+ glycophorin A– cells (bottom). Similar data were obtained from 2 samples of BM cells: Although in these BM samples CD34+ glycophorin A+ cells were even less frequent (0.2%), essentially all coexpressed p67 (not shown). (D) Coexpression of p67 and erythroid lineage markers: The majority of early BFU-E–derived cells coexpress glycophorin A and p67. By morphology and benzidine staining, these cells were identified as proerythroblasts (Figure S1) (representative FACS dot plot from 3 independent experiments). (E) Myeloid cells do not express p67: CFU-GM–derived cells, identified as myeloid cells by CD45 and CD11a expression and negativity for glycophorin A, did not express p67 (representative FACS dot plot from 2 independent experiments). Halvard Bonig et al. Blood 2006;108: ©2006 by American Society of Hematology

3 p67 is expressed on erythroid progenitors and guides their marrow homing.
p67 is expressed on erythroid progenitors and guides their marrow homing. (A-D) BFU-Es reside in the CD34+p67+ fraction: CD34+p67+ or CD34+p67– BM cells were isolated by FACS sorting and cultured in colony assays, to test frequency and lineage distribution of CFU-Cs. (A) Methyl cellulose colony assays: Most of the CFU-Cs in the CD34+p67– fraction (left panel, insert) were CFU-GMs, whereas the CD34+p67+ sample contained mostly BFU-Es (right panel, insert). Total CFU-C frequency was much greater in the p67+ fraction. (1500 sorted cells/35-mm plate). Dark-field photography was performed with a DIX Nikon camera, and a 105AFMacroNikkor objective (Nikon, Melville, NY). Plates were photographed with 1:1 macro; the insets, each showing one representative colony, with 4:1 macro. Images were captured with Nikon Capture/View acquisition software and processed with Photoshop (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA) for white balance adjustment. (B) Plasma-clot assays: Total BM cells were sorted based on p67 expression and plated in plasma-clot assays. BFU-Es were depleted in the p67– and enriched in the p67+ BM fraction. (Note that cells/clot were plated in unsorted sample, compared with 5000 cells/clot in p67– and p67+ samples.) Images were captured with a benzidine stain, using a Leica MZ6 dissecting microscope (Leica, Heidelberg, Germany), 0.63 ×/1.0 NA objective, and a Nikon CoolPix 995 camera, 2 × zoom. Unadjusted color image gray-scaled in Powerpoint (Microsoft). For color image, see Figure S3). (C) CFU-C frequency and distribution: Among CD34+p67+ BM cells, the frequency of CFU-Cs was 2-fold higher than in unsorted CD34+ cells (224 ± 19 vs 114 ± 20 CFU-Cs/1000 CD34+ cells, P < .005). This increase of colony-forming activity in the CD34+p67+ population was restricted to BFU-Es, which were 5-fold enriched in absolute (218 ± 16 vs 43 ± 8 BFU-Es/1000 cells) and 2.5-fold enriched in relative (95% ± 4% vs 38% ± 1% of CFU-Cs) frequency compared with unsorted BM (P < .005). CFU-GMs were accordingly depleted by selecting for p67+ cells (P < .005). Inversely, BFU-E activity was reduced in the sorted CD34+p67– population, to 13% ± 5% of all CFU-Cs. Shown on the Y-axis are CFU-Cs (mean + SEM of 3 independent experiments)/1000 sorted CD34+ cells. Essentially similar data were observed with sorted MPB CD34+ cells (Figure S2). (D) Anti-p67Ab is nontoxic for HPCs: Incubation of human CD34+ cells with anti-p67Ab (without washing prior to culture) did not affect CFU-C frequency and lineage distribution compared with untreated CD34+ cells (ctrl), indicating that anti-p67Ab is nontoxic for human CFU-Cs in vitro (2 experiments for BM CD34+ cells [shown here]; 1 experiment for MPB CD34+ cells). The cells plated for these experiments are aliquots of the cell suspensions injected for the homing assays depicted in Figure 2E and Figure S2. (E) p67 mediates marrow homing of BFU-Es: BM CD34+ cells, incubated with blocking anti-p67Ab, had 49.7% ± 6.6% (P < .005) reduced BM homing compared with untreated control, almost exclusively at the expense of BFU-Es (BFU-Es reduced by 86.3% ± 3.3%, P < .005) and CFU-mixed (reduced by 90.5% ± 3.7%, P < .005) (CFU-GMs: reduced by 14.7% ± 11.6%, P = .38). Similar inhibition was seen when MPB CD34+ cells were transplanted (Figure S2). (n = 3 independent experiments, each with 5 recipients/group. Mean + SEM of percent of total injected CFU-Cs homed to marrow 20 hours after transplantation.)‏ Halvard Bonig et al. Blood 2006;108: ©2006 by American Society of Hematology

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