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Presentation on theme: "Teori perubahan perilaku TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL OF CHANGE"— Presentation transcript:

Kelompok 3 Minat Farmasi Rumah Sakit

Menggunakan “STAGES OF CHANGE” untuk mengintegrasikan proses dan prinsip-prinsip perubahan Mengapa dikatakan transtheoretical??? Karena konsep yg digunakan berasal dari teori yg berbeda dari perilaku manusia dan pandangan tentang bagaimana merubah seseorang.

3 CORE CONSTRUCTS : Stages of Change Processes of Change
temporal dimension Processes of Change covert and overt activities people use to progress through the stages Decisional Balance weighing pros and cons of changing Self-Efficacy

4 1. Stages of Change Precontemplation Termination Precontemplation

5 Stages of change…. Termination (Optimal recovery )

6 Stages of change deskripsi
Pre-contemplation no intention to act in the near future (six months) Contemplation intention to change in the near future; aware of pros and cons of changing Preparation intention to take action in the immediate future (1 month); have a plan of action Action overt action taken within the last 6 months Maintenance work to prevent relapse; less temptation and more confidence Termination no temptation and 100% self efficacy

7 2. Processes of Change Experience: Behavioral: Stages of Change
Decisional Balance Self-Efficacy Experience: Consciousness Raising Dramatic Relief Environmental Reevaluation Social Liberation Self Reevaluation Behavioral: Stimulus Control Helping Relationships Counter Conditioning Reinforcement Management Self liberation

8 Processes of Change: Experience
Consciousness Raising [Increasing Awareness] I recall information people had given me on how to stop smoking. Dramatic Relief [Emotional Arousal] I react emotionally to warnings about smoking cigarettes. Environmental Reevaluation [Social Reappraisal] I consider the view that smoking can be harmful to the people around me. Social Liberation [Environmental Opportunities] I find society changing in ways that make it easier for the nonsmoker. Self Reevaluation [Self Reappraisal] My dependency on cigarettes makes me feel disappointed in myself.

9 Processes of Change: Behavioral
Stimulus Control [Re-Engineering] I remove things from my home that remind me of smoking. Helping Relationships [Supporting] I have someone who listens to me when I need to talk about my smoking. Counter Conditioning [Substituting] I find that doing other things with my hands is a good substitute for smoking. Reinforcement Management [Rewarding] I reward myself when I don’t smoke. Self liberation [Committing] I make commitments not to smoke.

10 Stages of Change in Which Change Processes Are Most Emphasized
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Consciousness Raising Dramatic relief Environmental reevaluation Self-reevaluation Self-liberation Reinforcement Management Helping relationships Counterconditioning Stimulus Control

11 3. Decisional Balance Stages of Change Processes of Change
Self-Efficacy comparison of the strength of perceived pros of the target behavior with the perceived cons Decisional Balance Leads to Individual Behavioral Acts Precontemplation Termination

12 4. Self-Efficacy Confidence: Temptation:
Stages of Change Processes of Change Decisional Balance Self-Efficacy Confidence: situation-specific confidence people have that they can cope with high-risk situations without relapsing to their unhealthy or high-risk habits Temptation: the intensity of urges to engage in a specific habit when in the midst of difficult situations

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