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CS18000: Problem Solving and Object-Oriented Programming

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1 CS18000: Problem Solving and Object-Oriented Programming
Welcome slide for display pre-bell.

2 Abstract Classes Polymorphism Dynamic Binding

3 Polymorphism “Many forms”
Animals can take on many forms … yet exhibit similar behaviors. Java allows a superclass variable to contain a reference to a subclass object The compiler chooses the subclass implementation of any overridden methods account.withdraw(amount); could be savings acct, checking acct, money market acct, ….

4 Code Reuse Suppose you’re modeling animals
Dog Cat Fish Horse Lots of redundancy, so you create a superclass Animal All other subclasses extend Animal Q: But what does “new Animal()” mean? A: Nothing--don’t want to create a “generic” animal Draw the modeled animals horizontally, then draw an Animal class that is the superclass for them (tree like).

5 Abstract Classes The Java solution for Animal: an abstract class
Declaring a class abstract means that it cannot be instantiated Some methods may be unimplemented (just like an interface) But an abstract class may also include some implemented methods for default behavior The following example comes from Animal1: enter code live in DrJava.

6 Animal public abstract class Animal { abstract void speak(); public static void main(String[] args) { Animal[] animals = new Animal[2]; animals[0] = new Cat(); animals[1] = new Dog(); for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) animals[i].speak(); } Could add a concrete method “shed” in Animal to implement common behavior between dogs and cats.

7 Cat and Dog public class Cat extends Animal { void speak() { System.out.printf("Meow\n"); } public class Dog extends Animal { System.out.printf(“Bark\n");

8 Dynamic Binding Methods are selected at runtime based on the class of the object referenced, not the class of the variable that holds the object reference Example Animal[] animals = new Animal[100]; animals[i].speak(); If animals[i] is a Dog,calls the speak() method in Dog, even though the variable is of type Animal “Binding” refers to the connection between name of the method and the method body being called. We say that the method name “speak” is bound to the method implementation in “Dog”. Drag out the first bullet: use a drawing on the chalkboard. The speak() example is weak since Animal does not have a concrete speak() method. Use shed instead and override it in Dog.

9 Why polymorphism? Allows generic treatment of objects
An array of Animals Some are Dogs Some are Cats Some are new animal classes defined after the superclass code is written Programmer must be disciplined: the overridden methods should implement “consistent” or “expected” behavior Example: In Java, all GUI widgets are a subclass of Component; allows uniform treatment by GUI code See the GUI hierarchy reminder on the next slide.

10 Reminder: Subclass Object
Contains its fields as well as all the fields defined in its superclasses… Dog object Fields defined in Object name The following example come from Animal2. Edit the code from Animal1 live to modify. Don’t forget to note what happens when adding a name constructor to Animal and compiling without a name constructor in the other classes. Fields defined in Animal name Fields defined in Dog

11 Revised: Dog public class Dog extends Animal { private String name; public Dog(String name) { super(name); = name + " Barker"; } public String getName() { return name; void speak() { System.out.printf("Bark\n");

12 Revised: Animal public abstract class Animal { private String name; public Animal(String name) { = name; } abstract void speak(); public static void main(String[] args) { Animal[] animals = new Animal[2]; animals[0] = new Cat("Garfield"); animals[1] = new Dog("Snoopy"); for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) animals[i].speak(); Dog d = new Dog("Marmaduke"); System.out.println(d.getName()); Animal a = d; System.out.println(a.getName()); Summary: Don’t do this.

13 Abstract Methods Methods may be declared abstract
Provide only the header (no body) Class must then be declared abstract Methods in an interface are implicitly declared abstract When subclassing an abstract class Generally provide method bodies for abstract methods If abstract methods remain, then subclass is still abstract and must be declared so

14 Example: Abstract Methods
abstract public class AbstractParent { abstract void doOne(); abstract void doTwo(); } abstract class AbstractChild extends AbstractParent { void doOne() { System.out.println("in AbstractChild"); class ConcreteGrandChild extends AbstractChild { void doTwo() { System.out.println("in ConcreteGrandChild"); public static void main(String[] args) { ConcreteGrandChild cc = new ConcreteGrandChild(); cc.doOne(); cc.doTwo(); Output… hello there in AbstractChild in ConcreteGrandChild

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