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The Cell Lecture NO: 1st MBBS

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1 The Cell Lecture NO: 1st MBBS
Dr Muhammad Ramzan

2 Cell- the definition Cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms except viruses Enclosed by a semi permeable membrane and includes nucleus/organelle Human body have 100 trillion cells –

3 Have genetic information and can replicate itself
Cell – the background Have genetic information and can replicate  itself Is covered by a semi permeable membrane enclosing cytoplasm and cell organelle Can utilize nutrients for energy production Excretes waste products The study of cells is called cell biology. - -

4 Parts of a Cell Cells have 4 different parts, each with a different function These parts are : 1. Cell membrane - 2. Cytoplasm 3. Cytoskeleton and 4. Cell organelle

5 Parts of a cell

6 Cytoplasm - composition
It is a clear, gel like fluid with in a cell that is external to nuclear and internal to cell membrane Protoplasm is the Nucleus and cytoplasm Cytoplasm is composed of : water(80%); salts, proteins and Nucleic acids Have cell organelle and cytoskeletal fibers

7 Cytosole or Cytosolic matrix A part of cytoplasm
Cytosole is a gel like fluid found in the cells A part of Cytoplasm - It constitutes the intracellular fluid (ICF) and have mixture of substances dissolved in water Has elevated level of K+ and low N+ ions. Inside is – ive Ca is also available Water soluble proteins make up 25-30% of the cytosole

8 Composition of cytosole - significance
K and Na are essential for the generation of action potential in muscles, neurons and endocrine Both are involved in osmo regulation Ca is also available for cell signaling and as 2nd messenger Is seat for metabolic pathways (Glycolysis) and medium for the transport of metabolites and organelle –

9 Cytosole

10 Cytoskeleton – the structure A net work of filaments
It is the collective name given to protein filaments and motor proteins like Myosin in the cell These protein filaments form an enormous 3D mesh work The filaments can be cross linked with other similar filaments through accessory proteins The cross linkage ↑cell rigidity and maintains its shape society for cell

11 Cytoskeleton - structure cont. Nature of fibers
These filaments extend from plasma membrane to nucleus that act both as muscle and skeleton These are of 3 types: Microfilaments Microtubules and Intermediate filaments project for cell –

12 Types of fibers in cytoskeleton

13 Cytoskeleton – significance movers and shapers
Determining cell shape and allowing the cell to move like: Cilia, flagella and Leukocytes in blood circulation Provide mechanical strength Separation of chromosomes in cell division Provides pathways that directs the movement of organelles and other substances within cells. Some of the filaments are used to transport cargo- micro tubules society for cell

14 Cell organelle – Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
It is a complex net work of tubules and cisterns in the cell Well connected with the Golgi complex Two types depending upon the appearance Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, synthesize proteins Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum for Lipids and CHO synthesis Transports products to their destinations like Golgi

15 Golgi complex A collection of tubules/cisterns/sacs that are arranged in stacks Process, modifies and packs the products from ER Releases finished products for use inside/outside the cell Synthesizes complex CHO moles that cannot be synthesized in the SER like Chondroitine sulphate and Hyaluronic acid Adds CHOs to the lipids and proteins – Glycolipids and Glycoproteins

16 ER and Golgi complex

17 Lysosome and Peroxisome
These are the recycling centre of the cell Act as waste box for the cell Lysosome digest the cell debris/organelle, food particles and bacteria and moles by Endocytosis Peroxisome oxidize the moles like Fatty acids for energy Detoxication of H2O2 into O2 and water

18 Lysosome

19 Mitochondria Are power house for the cell, release energy by oxidation of Fatty acids to produce ATP Have their own genetic material , separate from the DNA in the nucleus, Synthesize their own proteins Have double layered membrane

20 Mitochondrion

21 Nucleus It is the house for the storage of genetic material DNA in chromosomes and nucleoproteins Controls all activities of the cell especially DNA replication, growth, reproduction and metabolism Contain nucleolus Covered by a double layered membrane with pores Give rise to (Transcribe) mRNA for protein synthesis

22 Nucleus

23 Plasma membrane It is the phospholpid Bilayer with embedded proteins
It is the outer most covering of a cell that isolates the inside of the cell from exterior Maintains the shape and integrity of the cell Allows nutrients to pass in and waste to pass out Protects the cell

24 Plasma membrane

25 Ribosome - structure Ribosome is the Cytoplasmic organelles that has no membrane Ribosome decodes the genetic information in mRNA to produce proteins Two types: free floating and fixed to the RER in the cytoplasm Both produce proteins for their use : inside and out side of the cell

26 Ribosome

27 Secretary vesicles Are the membrane bound rounded structure that are produced and released by the ER and Golgi respectively. Contain the macro moles in the precursor form as zymogens Are released in active form as enzyme or hormone Are stored in the cytoplasm or released out side the cell by the process of Endocytosis – on

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