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Universalizing Or Ethnic Name that religion Vocabulary Religious

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Presentation on theme: "Universalizing Or Ethnic Name that religion Vocabulary Religious"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universalizing Or Ethnic Name that religion Vocabulary Religious Details Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Christianity

3 Universalizing

4 Hinduism

5 Ethnic (largest in the world)

6 Buddhism

7 Universalizing

8 Islam

9 Universalizing

10 Shinto

11 Ethnic

12 I am distributed throughout Latin America and Southern Europe

13 Roman Catholic

14 I am clustered in India.

15 Hinduism

16 I began in India, but have spread throughout East and Southeast Asia

17 Buddhism

18 I split from the Catholic Church and am distributed in N. Europe and N
I split from the Catholic Church and am distributed in N. Europe and N. America

19 Protestant

20 I began and still dominate in Southwest Asia, along with North Africa and SE Asia

21 Islam

22 Monotheism

23 Belief in one god

24 Hierarchical Religion-

25 A religion in which a central authority exercises a high degree of control

26 Fundamentalism

27 Literal interpretation and strict adherence to basic principles of a religion

28 Denomination

29 A division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations

30 Cosmogony

31 A set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe

32 Name the 3 Branches of Christianity

33 Roman Catholic Protestant Orthodox

34 Name the 2 branches of Islam

35 Sunni Shi’ia

36 Name 2 Protestant denominations

37 Lutheran Baptist Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Episcopalian,etc

38 Which religion regularly practices cremation?

39 Hinduism

40 Describe religion in Ireland

41 Protestant North (part of UK) and Catholic South have had troubles and violence

42 Name the holy book and founder of Islam

43 Muhammad, Q’uran

44 Which 3 religions trace back to Abraham

45 Islam, Christianity, Judaism

46 Which religion considers the Western Wall important and why

47 Judaism

48 Which religion pilgrimages to Mecca to the Ka’baa

49 Islam

50 What in the world is a TOPONYM?

51 The name given to a portion of Earth

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